
DENVER -- Receiving overpowering hitting in the early innings and overpowering pitching from Tim Lincecum throughout the evening, the Giants asserted themselves Monday night with an 8-1 victory over the Colorado Rockies.
丹佛報導 -- 今晚, 在隊員第一局強烈攻勢以及投手Tim Lincecum亮眼表現下, 巨人隊在週一晚上以8比1的比數擊敗科羅拉多洛磯隊獲得勝利。
Lincecum (2-1) no-hit the Rockies for 6 1/3 innings until Carlos Gonzalez singled cleanly to right field on a 3-1 pitch. Earlier, Gonzalez came the closest to managing a hit when he smacked a sharp grounder to the right side with two outs in the first inning. Giants second baseman Freddy Sanchez dove to snare the ball and came up throwing to record the out at first base.
Lincecum (2勝-1敗)在前6又1/3局並未被擊出任何安打, 直到第7局Carlos Gonzalez在1好3壞的情況下, 才擊出一支右外野方線的滾地安打。早先在第一局時, Gonzalez在兩人出局時, 曾轟出一支強勁的右邊方向滾地球, 卻被巨人隊二壘手Freddy Sanchez飛撲攔截, 並傳往一壘封殺出局。
Other mildly close calls occurred in the first inning, when Jonathan Herrera tapped a grounder to first base and nearly slid under Aubrey Huff's tag, and in the third, when shortstop Miguel Tejada caught a popup in left-center field that he, left fielder Pat Burrell and center fielder Aaron Rowand had trouble locating in the leaden sky.
其他稍微驚險的狀況還有: 第一局時, Jonathan Herrera擺短棒點出一個往一壘方向的軟弱滾地球, 差點滑過Aubrey Huff的防線; 第三局時, 游擊手Miguel Tejada在處理中外野方向, 與左外野手Pat Burrell和中外野手Aaron Rowand一度找不到球的位置。
Lincecum, the two-time National League Cy Young Award winner, had taken a no-hitter through six innings just once in his career: July 9, 2009, against San Diego.
Lincecum(兩屆國聯賽揚獎得主)過去僅有一次前6局未被敲出安打, 是發生在2009年7月9日面對聖地牙哥教士隊的時候。
Lincecum, who allowed one run and three hits in 7 2/3 innings, struck out 10 Rockies, including at least one in every inning but the fourth. It was Lincecum's 28th double-digit strikeout performance, tying him with Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson for the most in franchise history.
Lincecum主投7又2/3局被敲出三支安的, 失一分, 送出10次三振(除第四局外, 每局至少一次), 這是Lincecum生涯中第28次單場兩位數三振的表現, 目前嘗試挑戰名人堂中Christy Mathews的紀錄。
The Giants jumped ahead with a season-high five runs in the first inning off Rockies starter Esmil Rogers (2-1). With one out, Sanchez doubled and scored on Huff's single. Pablo Sandoval's two-out walk prolonged the inning for Burrell, who hit his team-high fifth homer. Nate Schierholtz followed with an upper-deck homer to right field, marking the Giants' second back-to-back home run combination in two days. Buster Posey and Sandoval accomplished the feat Sunday.
巨人隊在第一局從洛磯隊先發投手Esmil Rogers (2勝-1敗)手中, 取得本季開局最高分的5分。在一出局時, Sanchez擊出二壘安打, 並由下一棒Huff的一壘安打送回得分; Pablo Sandoval在兩出局時靠著保送替下一棒延續攻勢, Burrell擊出全隊最高的第5支全壘打; Nate Schierholtz緊跟在後, 又補上一支右外野方向打上二樓看台的全壘打, 這是巨人隊兩天內第二次連兩打席擊出全壘打, 上次是由Buster Posey和Sandoval於星期日時聯手達成。
Sanchez poked an opposite-field homer to right in the second inning. The Giants added a pair of runs in the third inning on Schierholtz's RBI single, his second of three hits, and Tejada's sacrifice fly.
補上Tim Lincecum本日十次三振影片:
第一次翻譯外電, 有缺失的地方, 喜歡棒球的大家可以提出來討論。