Position: 葉京怡 > ePortfolio > Publication
Work Experience
1. 葉京怡, "Why do insiders sometimes pay more and sometimes pay less in private placements? [International Journal of Business and Finance Research]," , 2012.
2. 葉京怡, "Technology and Economic Indicators on Software Piracy in OECD Countries [International Journal of Applied Economics]," , 2012.
3. 葉京怡, "What Determines the Discount for Private Equity Offerings – Ownership or Control Right? [International Research Journal of Finance and Economics]," , 2010.
4. 葉京怡, "Determinants of Software Piracy: Evidence from Far East Countries [Journal of International and Global Economic Studies]," , 2010.
5. 葉京怡, "企業提升資訊透明度能否降低資金成本? [修平學報]," , 2010.
Domestic Paper
1. 葉京怡, "蟑螂藥產品包裝與消費者購買行為之研究 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
2. 葉京怡, "運動行銷對企業價值的影響-以台灣職業棒球賽為例 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
3. 葉京怡, "考慮球員薪資因素之下日本職業棒球生產力變動之分析 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
4. 葉京怡, "探討版權者與出版者對於音樂盜版行為的分析 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
5. 葉京怡, "平板電腦與智慧型手機品牌形象與消費行為之研究 [2013管理領域提昇師資研究與產學能力研討會]," , 2013.
6. 葉京怡, "私募股權訂價之實證-以中、港、台為例 [2013第11屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2013.
7. 葉京怡, "中小企業融資管道之實務探討 [2013第六屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2013.
8. 葉京怡, "The Announcement Effects of Private Placements and Public Offerings: Evidence from Taiwanese Market [第六屆卓越管理國際學術研討會]," , 2012.
9. 葉京怡, "股權分配與公司績效之關係 [第六屆卓越管理國際學術研討會]," , 2012.
10. 葉京怡, "The Announcement Effects of Private Placements and Public Offerings: Evidence from Taiwanese Market [第三屆兩岸商學與金融研討會]," , 2012.
11. 葉京怡, "資訊揭露與企業投資行為-迎合理論之實證 [第五屆卓越管理國際學術暨實務研討會]," , 2011.
12. 葉京怡, "Why do insiders sometimes pay more and sometimes pay less in private placements? [2011 Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) Annual Conference]," , 2011.
13. 葉京怡, "由公司治理觀點探討企業融資決策 [2010管理領域提昇師資研究與產學能力研討會]," , 2010.
14. 葉京怡, "私募股權宣告效果:台灣市場之實證 [2010台灣財務金融學會年會暨中部財金學術聯盟研討會]," , 2010.
15. 葉京怡, "Private benefits, Power index and Pricing: Evidence from Taiwanese private Placements [2009中國金融國際年會(2009 China International Conference in finance)]," , 2009.
16. 葉京怡, "由公司治理觀點探討企業融資決策 [第四屆卓越管理國際學術暨實務研討會]," , 2009.
17. 葉京怡, "企業生命週期與私募決策 [第四屆卓越管理國際學術暨實務研討會]," , 2009.
18. 葉京怡, "Private benefits, Power index and Pricing: Evidence from Taiwanese private Placements [第16屆證券暨金融市場理論與實務研討會]," , 2008.