Position: 張兆村 > ePortfolio > Profile
Work Experience
Personal Data
Name: 張兆村
Department: 修平科技大學 / 資訊管理系 [elearning courses]
Research: 智慧物聯網(AIoT)、無線隨意網路(MANETs)、無線感應網路(WSNs)、行動通訊、分散式計算、行動應用系統、軟體再利用、軟體測試、物件導向技術
Office: E309-2




1. 國立中央大學 / 資訊工程學系博士 (Doctor, 1999-09 ~ 2006-06)
1. 張兆村, "On-Supporting Energy Balanced k-Barrier Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Access]," , 2018.
2. 張兆村, "Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics: System]," , 2018.
3. 張兆村, "QoS Guaranteed Surveillance Algorithms for Directional Wireless Sensor Networks [Ad Hoc Networks]," , 2018.
4. 張兆村, "A Stepwise Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Improving Bandwidth Utilization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [IEEE Systems Journal]," , 2017.
5. 張兆村, "Energy Balance Movement Schemes for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSRNs [Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing]," , 2017.
6. 張兆村, "A location-aware power saving mechanism based on quorum systems for multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks [Ad Hoc Networks]," , 2016.
7. 張兆村, "SRA: A Sensing Radius Adaptation Mechanism for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSNs [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2016.
8. 張兆村, "Throughput Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networks [IEEE Systems Journal]," , 2016.
9. 張兆村, "STB-MAC: Staggered Multi-Channel Traffic Balanced MAC Protocol in Wireless Networks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2014.
10. 張兆村, "Accident aware localization mechanism for wireless sensor networks [Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing]," , 2014.
11. 張兆村, "3D多媒體訊息服務之設計與實作 [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2014.
12. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Swept-Coverage Mechanism for Mobile WSNs [ACM/Baltzer Journal of Wireless Networks]," , 2013.
13. 張兆村, "Throughput Enhancement by Exploiting Spatial Reuse Opportunities with Smart Antenna Systems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Computer Networks]," , 2013.
14. 張兆村, "Hash Caching Mechanism in Source-Based Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Journal of Network and Computer Applications]," , 2012.
15. 張兆村, "Anchor-Guiding Mechanism for Beacon-Assisted Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Sensors Journal]," , 2012.
16. 張兆村, "Tone-Based Localization for Distinguishing Relative Locations in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Sensors Journal]," , 2012.
17. 張兆村, "A Compact Covering Method to Exploit Embedding Capacity for Matrix Encoding [Information Sciences]," , 2012.
18. 張兆村, "Distributed Hashing Mechanisms for On-demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2011.
19. 張兆村, "The Investigation on Management of Knowledge Asset [國防管理學報]," , 2011.
20. 張兆村, "Active Route Guiding Protocols for Resisting Obstacles in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2010.
21. 張兆村, "Obstacle-Resistant Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Netw orks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2009.
22. 張兆村, "TARP: A Traffic-Aware Restructuring Protocol for Bluetooth Radio Networks [Computer Networks]," , 2007.
23. 張兆村, "TMCP: Two-Layer Multicast Communication Protocol f [Computer Networks]," , 2006.
24. 張兆村, "Hierarchical Management Protocol For Constructing A QoS Communication Path In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Information Sciences]," , 0007.
Domestic Paper
1. 張兆村, "培植系統之自動檢測設計與實作 [IETAC 2023]," , 2023.
2. 張兆村, "遊戲自動測試之規劃與實作 [資訊教育與科技應用研討會IETAC2022]," , 2022.
3. 張兆村, "庭院式蔬果培植監控系統之設計與實作 [2019全國資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2019.
4. 張兆村, "Surveillance Algorithms for Barrier Coverage in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks, [WASN2018]," , 2018.
5. 張兆村, "顧客資訊自動偵測系統之設計與實作 [IETAC 2018]," , 2018.
6. 張兆村, "Mobile Data Collection on Different Transmission Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks [ICET 2018]," , 2018.
7. 張兆村, "智慧型家庭蔬菜培植系統之設計與實作 [IETAC2018]," , 2018.
8. 張兆村, "Barrier Coverage Mechanism for Traffic Count in Wireless Sensor Networks [ICET 2018]," , 2018.
9. 張兆村, "Using Pinch Technology to Achieve Augmented Reality in Multiple Devices [2016 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications]," , 2016.
10. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Dispatching Mechanisms for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [WASN 2016]," , 2016.
11. 張兆村, "Data Collection for Robot Movement Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [2016 International Computer Symposium ]," , 2016.
12. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Dispatching Mechanisms for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [the 12th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks ]," , 2016.
13. 張兆村, "行動量秤方法及裝置之設計與實作 [IETAC 2016]," , 2016.
14. 張兆村, "在無線感應網路中支援能量平衡k-Barrier Coverage [WASN 2015]," , 2015.
15. 張兆村, "An IoT Multi-Interface Gateway for Building a Smart Space [International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS2015)]," , 2015.
16. 張兆村, "Pass認證題庫系統之設計與實作 [the 8nd Information Education and Technological Application Conference (IETAC 2015)]," , 2015.
17. 張兆村, "A Barrier Coverage Mechanism in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks [International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering (ISTIE 2014)]," , 2014.
18. 張兆村, "互動式導引系統之設計與實作 [Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2014)]," , 2014.
19. 張兆村, "A Cognitive Radio MAC Protocol for Exploiting Bandwidth Utilization in Wireless Networks [IEEE IWCMC 2013]," , 2013.
20. 張兆村, "The k-Barrier Coverage Mechanism in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks [IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference]," , 2012.
21. 張兆村, "A Novel Relay Placement Mechanism for Capacity Enhancement in IEEE 802.16j WiMAX Networks [IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2009 )]," , 2009.
22. 張兆村, "IEEE 802.16j 多躍式中繼網路之網路規劃 [IETAC 2008第二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2008.
23. 張兆村, "WRGP: Weight-Aware Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Obstacles [IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2008)]," , 2008.
24. 張兆村, "Path Guiding Mechanisms for Mobile Anchor Improving or Balancing Location Accuracies of Static Sensors in WSNs [IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008)]," , 2008.
25. 張兆村, "戰場狀況整合系統之KM模型研究 [IETAC2007]," , 2007.
26. 張兆村, "知識管理在戰場狀況整合系統開發之研究 [第16屆國防科技學術研討會]," , 2007.
27. 張兆村, "Joint Location-Error Detection Correction, and Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks [第三屆無線.隨意及感測網路研討會]," , 2007.
28. 張兆村, "OFRD: Obstacle-Free Robot Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE WCNC]," , 2007.
29. 張兆村, "數位化校園導入知識管理系統架構之研究 [2006知識社群與數位學習研討會]," , 2006.
30. 張兆村, "WRGP:Weight-Aware Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Netowrks with Obstacles [2006多媒體及通訊系統研討會]," , 2006.
1. 產品委外測試計畫- 12 (2024-02 ~ 2025-01)
2. 產品委外測試計畫- 10 (2023-02 ~ 2024-01)
3. 石材數位庫存先導計畫 (2022-08 ~ 2023-07)
4. 產品委外測試計畫- 10 (2022-02 ~ 2023-01)
5. MRP整合與維護案 (2021-11 ~ 2022-04)
6. 產品委外測試計畫- 9 (2021-02 ~ 2022-01)
7. 產品委外測試計畫II (2020-10 ~ 2021-09)
8. MRP發展與整合計畫 (2020-10 ~ 2021-09)
9. 產品委外測試計畫VIII (2020-02 ~ 2021-01)
10. 產品委外測試計畫 (2019-10 ~ 2020-09)
11. 基於太陽能充電感測網路之永續生存限制下最大化監控品質之邊界覆蓋 技術 (2019-08 ~ 2020-07)
12. 高效率整合型熱轉印MRP系統之設計及實作 (2019-06 ~ 2020-05)
13. 產學合作實務研究計畫案 (2019-02 ~ 2020-01)
14. 在可充電式無線感測網路中兼具充電與監控品質之排程技術 (2018-08 ~ 2019-07)
15. 基於物聯網之高互動親子館系統之設計與實作 (2018-06 ~ 2019-05)
16. 產品委外測試計畫VI (2018-02 ~ 2019-01)
17. 無線音訊系統委外測試計畫IV (2017-08 ~ 2018-08)
18. 在無線感測網路中具協同感測與電量知覺之k-邊界覆蓋技術 (2017-08 ~ 2018-07)
19. 產品委外測試計畫V (2017-02 ~ 2018-01)
20. 產品委外測試計畫III計畫 (2016-08 ~ 2017-08)
21. 無線行動感測網路之k-邊界覆蓋建構技術 (2016-08 ~ 2017-07)
22. 產品委外測試計畫IV (2016-02 ~ 2017-01)
23. 無線音訊系統委外測試計畫II (2015-08 ~ 2016-08)
24. 無線感測網路中行動充電車之充電路徑建構與感測器之感測、傳輸及 充電排程 (2015-08 ~ 2016-07)
25. 無線感測網路中行動充電車之充電路徑建構與感測器之感測、傳輸及充電排程 (2015-08 ~ 2016-07)
26. 產品委外測試計畫III (2015-02 ~ 2016-01)
27. 無線音訊系統委外測試計畫I (2014-08 ~ 2015-08)
28. 無線感測網路多人使用環境中改善監控效能及延長生命期之多感測元件合作排程機制 (2014-08 ~ 2015-07)
29. 在視覺感測網路中具最少視覺節點及最小轉動角度之覆蓋技術 (2013-08 ~ 2014-07)
30. WiMAX 多躍無線網路(IEEE 802.16j)具品質服務保證之網路佈建與排程技術 (2012-08 ~ 2013-07)
31. 在分散區域之無線感測網路中具電量平衡的行動資料收集技術 (2011-08 ~ 2012-07)
32. 支援車載隨意網路多步上網及急訊廣播服務之MAC協定設計與實作 (2009-08 ~ 2010-07)
33. 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心計畫-提昇資訊科系學生程式設計能力之教學平台 (2009-06 ~ 2009-12)
34. 藍芽通信軟體設計 (2008-04 ~ 2008-06)
35. 設計及實作一個具有國邊界監控、防衛、追蹤及克障能力之無線感測網路 (2007-08 ~ 2008-07)
36. 知識管理在戰場狀況整合系統開發之研究 (2007-01 ~ 2007-12)
37. 在藍芽無線網路中設計及實作高效能的群播協定 (2006-08 ~ 2007-07)
38. 在藍芽無線網路中設計及製作多頻道技術及排程協定以改善傳輸效能 (2005-08 ~ 2006-07)
39. 基於模糊位置之無線感測網路中設計及實作定位、繞徑及覆蓋技術
1. 電腦技能基金會TQC_EEC企業電子化規劃師_網路行銷_丙級證照[電技研字第113120047號] (2024-02)
2. 2023全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2023-03)
3. 論文獎 (2022-11)
4. 財團法人中華民國電腦技能基金會_企業電子化人工智慧應用師_丙級證照[421220900000320] (2022-08)
5. 2022全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2022-01)
6. 多階石墨材質之濕度感測裝置 (2021-12)
7. American Software Te_ISTQB Certified Tester ( Foundation Leve1 )_國際專業證照[21-CTFL-01941-USA] (2021-08)
8. TQC_資訊科技(Python)專業級_丙級證照[122210800000530] (2021-08)
9. 2021 IETAC研討會 (2021-04)
10. 2021 IETAC專題競賽 (2021-04)
11. 譯銓超人 (2021-01)
12. 2019全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2019-12)
13. 多段式土壤濕度量測裝置 (2019-09)
14. IETAC 2019專題競賽 (2019-05)
15. 2019全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2019-05)
16. 論文獎 (2019-05)
17. TQC_人工智慧應用與技術_丙級證照[122190800000180] (2019-02)
18. 2018全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-12)
19. 2018全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-12)
20. 2018全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-12)
21. 2018全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-12)
22. 私教協會全國十大傑出教師 (2018-09)
23. 論文獎 (2018-08)
24. 2018馬來西亞ITEX國際發明展競賽 (2018-05)
25. 2018全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2018-03)
26. 論文獎 (2018-03)
27. 2018全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2018-03)
28. 2017全國大專智慧機型器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-01)
29. 2017全國大專智慧機型器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2018-01)
30. IETAC 2017最佳論文獎 (2017-05)
31. 2017全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2017-05)
32. 105學年創新教學課程 (2017-03)
33. 2016全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2016-11)
34. 2016全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2016-11)
35. 2016全國大專智慧機型器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2016-11)
36. 105-1 E-Portfolio學生學習歷程更新班級競賽 (2016-11)
37. 楷模教師 (2016-09)
38. WASN 2016最佳論文獎 (2016-08)
39. 2016全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2016-03)
40. 指導學生獲2016全國資訊教育與科技應用研討會 (2016-03)
41. 教學優良 (2016-01)
42. 2015全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2015-12)
43. 2015全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2015-12)
44. 2015全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2015-12)
45. 20154G寬頻校園應用程式設計競賽 (2015-12)
46. 2015韓國首爾國際發明展 (2015-11)
47. 2015台北國際發明暨技術交易展 (2015-10)
48. 2015台北國際發明暨技術交易展 (2015-10)
49. 楷模教師 (2015-09)
50. 績優導師 (2015-09)
51. 103年度畢業專題製作成果展 (2015-05)
52. 2015全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2015-03)
53. 2015全國資訊教育與科技應用學術研討會 (2015-03)
54. 教學優良教師 (2015-01)
55. 2014全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2014-12)
56. 2014全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2014-12)
57. 2014全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2014-12)
58. E-Portfolio學生學習歷程更新班級競賽 (2014-12)
59. 楷模教師 (2014-09)
60. 服務學習成果發表競賽 (2014-06)
61. 2014全國資訊設計應用與觀光運動休閒實務專題競賽(資訊應用組) (2014-05)
62. 2014全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽(行動應用類) (2014-05)
63. 2014全國資訊教育與科技應用學術研討會 (2014-05)
64. 畢業專題製作成果展 (2014-05)
65. 畢業專題製作成果展 (2014-05)
66. 2014俄羅斯阿基米德發明展競賽 (2014-04)
67. 2015全國資訊教育與科技應用研討會 (2014-03)
68. 2015全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2014-03)
69. 修平科大101學年度教學優良教師評比 (2014-01)
70. 2013全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2013-12)
71. 2013全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2013-12)
72. 2013全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2013-12)
73. 2013全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2013-12)
74. 2013年台北國際發暨技術交易展 (2013-09)
75. 2013年全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展 (2013-05)
76. 學生畢業專題競賽 (2013-05)
77. 2013馬來西亞ITEX國際發明展競賽 (2013-05)
78. 2013全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽 (2013-03)
79. 2012電信創新應用大賽 (2013-01)
80. 2012全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2012-12)
81. 2012全國大專智慧型機器人與感測實務應用競賽 (2012-12)
82. Seoul International Invention Fair 2 (2012-11)
83. 楷模教師 (2012-09)
84. 2012年台北國際發明暨技術交易展 (2012-09)
85. 家弘學術研究優良人員-研究發明 (2008-12)
86. 家弘學術研究優良人員-技術證照 (2008-12)
87. 家弘學術研究優良人員-著作論文 (2008-12)
88. Sun_SCJP(Sun C[sw409182] (2008-02)
89. 家弘學術研究優良人員 (2007-12)
90. 考試院_資訊技師_專技高普考[93專高1692] (2007-02)
91. 家弘學術研究優良人員 (2006-12)
92. 考試院_資訊技師_甲級證照[93專高1692] (2004-02)