Position: 張兆村 > ePortfolio > Publication
Work Experience
1. 張兆村, "On-Supporting Energy Balanced k-Barrier Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Access]," , 2018.
2. 張兆村, "Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics: System]," , 2018.
3. 張兆村, "QoS Guaranteed Surveillance Algorithms for Directional Wireless Sensor Networks [Ad Hoc Networks]," , 2018.
4. 張兆村, "A Stepwise Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Improving Bandwidth Utilization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [IEEE Systems Journal]," , 2017.
5. 張兆村, "Energy Balance Movement Schemes for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSRNs [Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing]," , 2017.
6. 張兆村, "SRA: A Sensing Radius Adaptation Mechanism for Maximizing Network Lifetime in WSNs [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2016.
7. 張兆村, "A location-aware power saving mechanism based on quorum systems for multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks [Ad Hoc Networks]," , 2016.
8. 張兆村, "Throughput Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networks [IEEE Systems Journal]," , 2016.
9. 張兆村, "STB-MAC: Staggered Multi-Channel Traffic Balanced MAC Protocol in Wireless Networks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2014.
10. 張兆村, "Accident aware localization mechanism for wireless sensor networks [Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing]," , 2014.
11. 張兆村, "3D多媒體訊息服務之設計與實作 [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2014.
12. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Swept-Coverage Mechanism for Mobile WSNs [ACM/Baltzer Journal of Wireless Networks]," , 2013.
13. 張兆村, "Throughput Enhancement by Exploiting Spatial Reuse Opportunities with Smart Antenna Systems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Computer Networks]," , 2013.
14. 張兆村, "A Compact Covering Method to Exploit Embedding Capacity for Matrix Encoding [Information Sciences]," , 2012.
15. 張兆村, "Tone-Based Localization for Distinguishing Relative Locations in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Sensors Journal]," , 2012.
16. 張兆村, "Anchor-Guiding Mechanism for Beacon-Assisted Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Sensors Journal]," , 2012.
17. 張兆村, "Hash Caching Mechanism in Source-Based Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Journal of Network and Computer Applications]," , 2012.
18. 張兆村, "The Investigation on Management of Knowledge Asset [國防管理學報]," , 2011.
19. 張兆村, "Distributed Hashing Mechanisms for On-demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2011.
20. 張兆村, "Active Route Guiding Protocols for Resisting Obstacles in Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2010.
21. 張兆村, "Obstacle-Resistant Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Netw orks [IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology]," , 2009.
22. 張兆村, "TARP: A Traffic-Aware Restructuring Protocol for Bluetooth Radio Networks [Computer Networks]," , 2007.
23. 張兆村, "TMCP: Two-Layer Multicast Communication Protocol f [Computer Networks]," , 2006.
24. 張兆村, "Hierarchical Management Protocol For Constructing A QoS Communication Path In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Information Sciences]," , 0007.
Domestic Paper
1. 張兆村, "培植系統之自動檢測設計與實作 [IETAC 2023]," , 2023.
2. 張兆村, "遊戲自動測試之規劃與實作 [資訊教育與科技應用研討會IETAC2022]," , 2022.
3. 張兆村, "庭院式蔬果培植監控系統之設計與實作 [2019全國資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2019.
4. 張兆村, "Surveillance Algorithms for Barrier Coverage in Wireless Camera Sensor Networks, [WASN2018]," , 2018.
5. 張兆村, "顧客資訊自動偵測系統之設計與實作 [IETAC 2018]," , 2018.
6. 張兆村, "Mobile Data Collection on Different Transmission Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks [ICET 2018]," , 2018.
7. 張兆村, "智慧型家庭蔬菜培植系統之設計與實作 [IETAC2018]," , 2018.
8. 張兆村, "Barrier Coverage Mechanism for Traffic Count in Wireless Sensor Networks [ICET 2018]," , 2018.
9. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Dispatching Mechanisms for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [WASN 2016]," , 2016.
10. 張兆村, "Data Collection for Robot Movement Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [2016 International Computer Symposium ]," , 2016.
11. 張兆村, "行動量秤方法及裝置之設計與實作 [IETAC 2016]," , 2016.
12. 張兆村, "An Energy-Balanced Dispatching Mechanisms for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks [the 12th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks ]," , 2016.
13. 張兆村, "Using Pinch Technology to Achieve Augmented Reality in Multiple Devices [2016 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications]," , 2016.
14. 張兆村, "在無線感應網路中支援能量平衡k-Barrier Coverage [WASN 2015]," , 2015.
15. 張兆村, "An IoT Multi-Interface Gateway for Building a Smart Space [International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS2015)]," , 2015.
16. 張兆村, "Pass認證題庫系統之設計與實作 [the 8nd Information Education and Technological Application Conference (IETAC 2015)]," , 2015.
17. 張兆村, "A Barrier Coverage Mechanism in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks [International Conference on Internet Services Technology and Information Engineering (ISTIE 2014)]," , 2014.
18. 張兆村, "互動式導引系統之設計與實作 [Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2014)]," , 2014.
19. 張兆村, "A Cognitive Radio MAC Protocol for Exploiting Bandwidth Utilization in Wireless Networks [IEEE IWCMC 2013]," , 2013.
20. 張兆村, "The k-Barrier Coverage Mechanism in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks [IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference]," , 2012.
21. 張兆村, "A Novel Relay Placement Mechanism for Capacity Enhancement in IEEE 802.16j WiMAX Networks [IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2009 )]," , 2009.
22. 張兆村, "IEEE 802.16j 多躍式中繼網路之網路規劃 [IETAC 2008第二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2008.
23. 張兆村, "WRGP: Weight-Aware Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Obstacles [IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2008)]," , 2008.
24. 張兆村, "Path Guiding Mechanisms for Mobile Anchor Improving or Balancing Location Accuracies of Static Sensors in WSNs [IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008)]," , 2008.
25. 張兆村, "OFRD: Obstacle-Free Robot Deployment Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks [IEEE WCNC]," , 2007.
26. 張兆村, "Joint Location-Error Detection Correction, and Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks [第三屆無線.隨意及感測網路研討會]," , 2007.
27. 張兆村, "知識管理在戰場狀況整合系統開發之研究 [第16屆國防科技學術研討會]," , 2007.
28. 張兆村, "戰場狀況整合系統之KM模型研究 [IETAC2007]," , 2007.
29. 張兆村, "數位化校園導入知識管理系統架構之研究 [2006知識社群與數位學習研討會]," , 2006.
30. 張兆村, "WRGP:Weight-Aware Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Netowrks with Obstacles [2006多媒體及通訊系統研討會]," , 2006.