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姓名: 蔡篤校
系所: 修平科技大學 / 資訊網路技術系 [數位教學紀錄]
辦公(研究)室: D0405-1

Du-Shiau Tsai received the B.S. degree in Department of Computer Science and Information Management from Providence University, Taiwan, in 1996. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degree from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Since 2004, he has been on the faculty at Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taiwan R. O. C. His research interests include cryptography, information security, image processing and digital evidence.

1. 中興大學 / 資訊科學系博士班 (博士, 2004-09 ~ 2007-06)
1. 蔡篤校, "Speeding up Pairing Computation Using Non-adjacent Form and ELM Method [International Journal of Network Security]," , 2016.
2. 蔡篤校, "Visibility bounds for visual secret sharing based on JND theory [Multimedia Tools and Applications]," , 2014.
3. 蔡篤校, "Visual secret sharing with cheating prevention revisited [Digital Signal Processing]," , 2013.
4. 蔡篤校, "Reversible data hiding scheme based on neighboring pixel differences [Digital Signal Processing]," , 2013.
5. 蔡篤校, "2-out-of-n視覺密碼學之視覺偽分享秘密之研究 [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2013.
6. 蔡篤校, "A new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Naor-Shamir’s visual cryptography [Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation]," , 2012.
7. 蔡篤校, "Comment on Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography [ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing]," , 2012.
8. 蔡篤校, "Share Authentication based Cheating Prevention in Naor-Shamir’s Visual Cryptography [JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS]," , 2011.
9. 蔡篤校, "A Novel Secret Image Sharing Scheme for True Color Images with Size Constraint [Information Sciences]," , 2009.
10. 蔡篤校, "A Fast VQ Codebook Generation Algorithm Based on Otsu Histogram Threshold [Fundamenta Informaticae]," , 2009.
11. 蔡篤校, "A learning relationship and interaction based business model for Recommender Systems [Journal of Information Technology and Applications]," , 2008.
12. 蔡篤校, "On Generating Meaningful Shares in Visual Secret S [The Imaging Science Journal]," , 2008.
13. 蔡篤校, "Cheating in Visual Cryptography [Designs, Codes and cryptography]," , 2006.
14. 蔡篤校, "Owner-customer right protection mechanism using a watermarking scheme and a watermarking protocol [Pattern Recognition]," , 2006.
15. 蔡篤校, "AN ANONYMOUS BUYER-RESELLER WATERMARKING PROTOCOL [Journal of the Chinese Institute of Enginers]," , 2005.
16. 蔡篤校, "A Cheating Prevention Scheme for Binary Visual Cryptography with Homogeneous Secret Images [Pattern Recognition]," , 0008.
1. 蔡篤校, "後疫情時代現存寄物櫃物聯網化之研究 [第十五屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2022.
2. 蔡篤校, "工廠環境即時觀測物聯網系統之研究 [第十五屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2022.
3. 蔡篤校, "智慧化LINE Bot與Google行事曆統計系統之實作 [資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2020.
4. 蔡篤校, "智慧化LINE Bot 互動校園導覽系統之實作 [第十二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2019.
5. 蔡篤校, "應用人類視覺與高速攝影於LED動態訊號之汽車安全防護研究 [第11屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2018.
6. 蔡篤校, "WeiqiTimer計時鐘 [首屆台灣圍棋國際學術研討會]," , 2015.
7. 蔡篤校, "圍棋競賽輔助資訊系之研究 [首屆台灣圍棋國際學術研討會]," , 2015.
8. 蔡篤校, "雲端圍棋比賽輔助系統之研究 [第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會]," , 2015.
9. 蔡篤校, "(n,n)視覺密碼學之視覺偽分享秘密之研究 [TANET2012]," , 2013.
10. 蔡篤校, "於視覺密碼學中還原圖像影像品質之關鍵因素研究 [IETAC 2011]," , 2011.
11. 蔡篤校, "On the Security of a Cheating Immune Visual Secret Sharing Scheme [第二十一屆資訊安全會議]," , 2011.
12. 蔡篤校, "A new learning relationship and interaction based business model for Recommender Systems revisited [Information Education and Technological Applications Conference 2009 (IETAC 2009 )]," , 2009.
13. 蔡篤校, "一種全域與區域搜尋整合模型的向量量化演算法 [International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies 2009 (AIT 2009 )]," , 2009.
14. 蔡篤校, "A Global Uniform Sampling Model for VQ Algorithm [IETAC 2008第二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2008.
15. 蔡篤校, "Efficient Vector Quantization Codebook Generation Based on Histogram Thresholding Algorithm [The Fourth International Conference Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal]," , 2008.
16. 蔡篤校, "Cheating in Visual Cryptography Revisited [第十七屆資訊安全會議]," , 2007.
17. 蔡篤校, "A New Cheating Prevention Scheme for Visual Cryptography [第16屆全國資訊安全會議]," , 2006.
18. 蔡篤校, "雙層半易碎性數位視訊認證技術 [2005數位生活與網際網路科技研討會]," , 2005.
19. 蔡篤校, "利用多功能浮水印強化階層式組織之數位文件安全 [2005數位生活與網際網路科技研討會]," , 2005.