位置: 蔡篤校 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 蔡篤校, "Speeding up Pairing Computation Using Non-adjacent Form and ELM Method [International Journal of Network Security]," , 2016.
2. 蔡篤校, "Visibility bounds for visual secret sharing based on JND theory [Multimedia Tools and Applications]," , 2014.
3. 蔡篤校, "Visual secret sharing with cheating prevention revisited [Digital Signal Processing]," , 2013.
4. 蔡篤校, "Reversible data hiding scheme based on neighboring pixel differences [Digital Signal Processing]," , 2013.
5. 蔡篤校, "2-out-of-n視覺密碼學之視覺偽分享秘密之研究 [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2013.
6. 蔡篤校, "A new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Naor-Shamir’s visual cryptography [Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation]," , 2012.
7. 蔡篤校, "Comment on Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography [ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing]," , 2012.
8. 蔡篤校, "Share Authentication based Cheating Prevention in Naor-Shamir’s Visual Cryptography [JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS]," , 2011.
9. 蔡篤校, "A Novel Secret Image Sharing Scheme for True Color Images with Size Constraint [Information Sciences]," , 2009.
10. 蔡篤校, "A Fast VQ Codebook Generation Algorithm Based on Otsu Histogram Threshold [Fundamenta Informaticae]," , 2009.
11. 蔡篤校, "A learning relationship and interaction based business model for Recommender Systems [Journal of Information Technology and Applications]," , 2008.
12. 蔡篤校, "On Generating Meaningful Shares in Visual Secret S [The Imaging Science Journal]," , 2008.
13. 蔡篤校, "Cheating in Visual Cryptography [Designs, Codes and cryptography]," , 2006.
14. 蔡篤校, "Owner-customer right protection mechanism using a watermarking scheme and a watermarking protocol [Pattern Recognition]," , 2006.
15. 蔡篤校, "AN ANONYMOUS BUYER-RESELLER WATERMARKING PROTOCOL [Journal of the Chinese Institute of Enginers]," , 2005.
16. 蔡篤校, "A Cheating Prevention Scheme for Binary Visual Cryptography with Homogeneous Secret Images [Pattern Recognition]," , 0008.
1. 蔡篤校, "後疫情時代現存寄物櫃物聯網化之研究 [第十五屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2022.
2. 蔡篤校, "工廠環境即時觀測物聯網系統之研究 [第十五屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2022.
3. 蔡篤校, "智慧化LINE Bot與Google行事曆統計系統之實作 [資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2020.
4. 蔡篤校, "智慧化LINE Bot 互動校園導覽系統之實作 [第十二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2019.
5. 蔡篤校, "應用人類視覺與高速攝影於LED動態訊號之汽車安全防護研究 [第11屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2018.
6. 蔡篤校, "WeiqiTimer計時鐘 [首屆台灣圍棋國際學術研討會]," , 2015.
7. 蔡篤校, "圍棋競賽輔助資訊系之研究 [首屆台灣圍棋國際學術研討會]," , 2015.
8. 蔡篤校, "雲端圍棋比賽輔助系統之研究 [第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會]," , 2015.
9. 蔡篤校, "(n,n)視覺密碼學之視覺偽分享秘密之研究 [TANET2012]," , 2013.
10. 蔡篤校, "於視覺密碼學中還原圖像影像品質之關鍵因素研究 [IETAC 2011]," , 2011.
11. 蔡篤校, "On the Security of a Cheating Immune Visual Secret Sharing Scheme [第二十一屆資訊安全會議]," , 2011.
12. 蔡篤校, "A new learning relationship and interaction based business model for Recommender Systems revisited [Information Education and Technological Applications Conference 2009 (IETAC 2009 )]," , 2009.
13. 蔡篤校, "一種全域與區域搜尋整合模型的向量量化演算法 [International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies 2009 (AIT 2009 )]," , 2009.
14. 蔡篤校, "A Global Uniform Sampling Model for VQ Algorithm [IETAC 2008第二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2008.
15. 蔡篤校, "Efficient Vector Quantization Codebook Generation Based on Histogram Thresholding Algorithm [The Fourth International Conference Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal]," , 2008.
16. 蔡篤校, "Cheating in Visual Cryptography Revisited [第十七屆資訊安全會議]," , 2007.
17. 蔡篤校, "A New Cheating Prevention Scheme for Visual Cryptography [第16屆全國資訊安全會議]," , 2006.
18. 蔡篤校, "雙層半易碎性數位視訊認證技術 [2005數位生活與網際網路科技研討會]," , 2005.
19. 蔡篤校, "利用多功能浮水印強化階層式組織之數位文件安全 [2005數位生活與網際網路科技研討會]," , 2005.