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姓名: 許銘全
系所: 修平科技大學 / 電機工程系 [數位教學紀錄]
研究領域: 非線性系統、控制系統設計、機器人學、人工智慧
Ming-Chiuan Shiu(許銘全)was born in Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1974. He received the B.S. degree from National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, in 1996, the M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2001, and 2011.

       From 2001 to 2011, he was a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan. And, he was a Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hsiuping University of Science and Technology from 2011 to 2015. He is now an Associate Professor in here. His areas of research interest include modular robot, robotics, control theory and application, and power electronics.

1. 國立台灣大學 / 電機工程學系 (博士, 2003-09 ~ 2011-01)
1. 許銘全, "人體上肢復健輔具之設計與研究 [修平學報]," , 2016.
2. 許銘全, "魔鬼氈模組式機器人之設計與動作控制 [修平學報]," , 2016.
3. 許銘全, "氣動式手臂之設計及氣壓缸動態模型推導 [修平學報]," , 2011.
4. 許銘全, "Modular Design of Reconfigurable Electromagnetic Robots [Advanced Robotics]," , 2010.
5. 許銘全, "嚴格正定實數準則(SPR)分析為基礎之適應性位置控制器 [電力電子]," , 2006.
6. 許銘全, "應用嚴格正定實數準則(SPR)分析所設計之感應馬達適應性速度控制器 [電力電子]," , 2006.
1. 許銘全, "無人智慧溫室實作之研究 [NCWIA 2020 網路智能與應用研討會]," , 2020.
2. 許銘全, "以手機APP連接藍芽控制復健手臂 [第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會]," , 2015.
3. 許銘全, "以ZigBee為基礎之模組式機器人避障設計 [第九屆國際健康資訊管理研討會]," , 2014.
4. 許銘全, "人體上肢復健輔具之機械手臂改良與系統控制電路整合 [第八屆智慧生活科技研討會]," , 2013.
5. 許銘全, "模組式機器人之連接面的介紹與感測器的應用 [2013民生電子論壇-智慧電子]," , 2013.
6. 許銘全, "具避障功能之模組式機器人 [第八屆智慧生活科技研討會]," , 2013.
7. 許銘全, "人體上肢復健輔具之力感測應用與致動器分析 [2013民生電子論壇-智慧電子]," , 2013.
8. 許銘全, "人體上肢復健輔具 [2011年民生電子研討會]," , 2011.
9. 許銘全, "Graph Isomorphism Testing Method in a Self-Recognition Velcro Strap Modular Robot [The 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2010)]," , 2010.
10. 許銘全, "可調式座椅之氣動式手臂 [第五屆智慧生活科技研討會]," , 2010.
11. 許銘全, "可重組式機器人 [2009民生電子研討會]," , 2009.
12. 許銘全, "以氣壓缸動態模型為基礎之氣動式手臂 [2009資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2009.
13. 許銘全, "Pneumatic Robotic Arm based on Dynamic Model of Pneumatic Cylinder [2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference]," , 2009.
14. 許銘全, "Design of Reconfigurable Robot Based on Electromagnets [the 7th Asian Control Conference]," , 2009.
15. 許銘全, "以雙動式單桿氣壓缸控制之氣動式手臂 [2009年民生電子研討會]," , 2009.
16. 許銘全, "氣動式復建手臂 [第四屆智慧生活科技研討會]," , 2009.
17. 許銘全, "Design of 2D Modular Robot Based on Magnetic Force [Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference]," , 2008.
18. 許銘全, "Actuation Design of Two-Dimensional Self-Reconfigu [IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks,]," , 2008.
19. 許銘全, "The Chemical Bonding Modules for Self-Reconfigurable Robot [Proceedings of 2008 CACS International Automatic Control Conference]," , 2008.
20. 許銘全, "Voice-Controlled CD Feed Forward Robot [Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2008]," , 2008.
21. 許銘全, "Actuation Design of Two-Dimensional Self-Reconfigurable Robots [IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC 2008)]," , 2008.
22. 許銘全, "Design of 2D Modular Robot Based on Magnetic Force Analysis [Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology]," , 2008.
23. 許銘全, "Hardware Design of the Robotic Arm [2008CACS International Automatic Control Conference]," , 2008.
24. 許銘全, "The Ionic bonding Modules for Self-Reconfigurable Robot [IROS Workshop on Self-Reconfigurable Robot]," , 2008.
25. 許銘全, "Design of the Octabot Self-Reconfigurable Robot [Proceedings of the 17th World Congress]," , 2008.
26. 許銘全, "Design and Model of Self-Reconfigurable Robotic System [2007CACS International Automatic Control Conference]," , 2007.
27. 許銘全, "Magnetic Force Analysis for the Actuation Design of 2D Rotational Modular Robots [the 33rd Annual Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)]," , 2007.
28. 許銘全, "Actuation Design of 2D Rotational Modular Robots [SICE Annual Conference 2007]," , 2007.
1. 2016IENA德國紐倫堡國際發明展 (2016-10)
2. 私立教育事業學會資深優良教師 (2016-09)
3. 萬潤2014創新創意競賽 (2014-09)
4. 萬潤2014創新創意競賽 (2014-09)
5. 第九屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽 (2014-03)
6. 第九屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽 (2014-03)
7. 電機系學生實務專題競賽 (2013-05)
8. 第八屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽 (2013-03)
9. 100學年度教學優良教師 (2012-12)
10. 101年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽-佳作 (2012-12)
11. 第七屆盛群盃創意大賽-佳作 (2012-11)
12. 萬潤2012創新創意競賽-佳作 (2012-09)
13. 第六屆凌陽盃系統晶片創意應用設計大賽_優等獎 (2012-05)
14. 99學年度系教學優良獎 (2011-12)
15. 100年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽_第三名 (2011-10)
16. 99學年度應屆畢業生專題製作成果展 (2011-05)
17. 2011全國大專校院健康照護實務創意設計大賽 (2011-05)
18. 第五屆凌陽盃系統晶片創意應用設計大賽 (2011-04)
19. 第六屆數位訊號處理創思設計競賽 (2010-10)
20. 第三屆凌陽盃系統晶片創意應用設機大賽-最佳創意獎 (2009-05)
21. 第三屆凌陽盃系統晶片創意應用設機大賽-週邊控制應用組-優等獎 (2009-05)
22. 第三屆凌陽盃系統晶片創意應用設機大賽-指定主題組-特優獎 (2009-05)
23. 家弘學術研究優良人員-著作論文 (2008-12)
24. 績優導師 (2008-09)
25. 台灣墈入式暨單晶片系統發展協會_單晶片能力認證丙級[TPC060116] (2008-02)
26. 家弘學術研究優良人員 (2007-12)
27. 台灣墈入式暨單晶片系統發展協會_單晶片技能檢定監評委[TPC060116] (2007-08)
28. 台灣墈入式暨單晶片系統發展協會_單晶片技能檢定監評委_丙級證照[TPC060116] (2007-02)