位置: 劉淑寧 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 劉淑寧, "Professional competencies for marketing managers in Taiwan: an application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education]," , 2011.
2. 劉淑寧, "自我中心取向與自我效能對個人知識網絡及員工創新行為的交互影響:中介模式的測試 [修平學報]," , 2009.
3. 劉淑寧, "個人文化價值取向對員工知識網絡類型的影響:兼論情境變項的干擾 [勤益學報]," , 2006.
4. 劉淑寧, "個人文化價值取向對員工創新行為之影響:組織正義的干擾效果 [研究與發展管理]," , 2005.
5. 劉淑寧, "人力資源領先指標對研發人員敬業貢獻之影響:中介模式的測試 [人力資源管理學報]," , 0008.
6. 劉淑寧, "團隊認定和領導型態對團隊創新行為之影響:自我管理行為的角色 [商管科技季刊]," , 0007.
7. 劉淑寧, "個人文化價值取向對員工創新行為的影響:以個人知識網絡為中介變項 [商管科技季刊]," , 0003.
1. 劉淑寧, "智慧型手機消費行為之研究-以修平科大學生為例 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
2. 劉淑寧, "以科技接受模式探討線上購物消費者顧客承諾之影響因素 [2012管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能力研討會]," , 2012.
3. 劉淑寧, "產業人才投資方案開課現況及未來需求之分析與探討 [2012管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能力研討會]," , 2012.
4. 劉淑寧, "連鎖水果茶飲料消費行為與服務品質調查:以M 公司為例 [管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能力研討會]," , 2011.
5. 劉淑寧, "TTQS 在人力資本投入與組織績效提升的干擾影響 [管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能力研討會]," , 2011.
6. 劉淑寧, "Impact of Individual Trait, Achievement Goal and Learning Stress on Learning Strategies: A Study in Educational Computer Game-Based Learning [2011 5th International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDL," , 2011.
7. 劉淑寧, "個人特質、學習壓力、學習策略對行銷企劃學習成就之影響 [管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能力研討會]," , 2011.
8. 劉淑寧, "Hindrance and Challenge Stress: Relationships with Learning Strategies and Learning Performance in Educational Computer Game-Based Learning [2011 Shanghai International Conference on Social Science (SICSS 2011)], 2011.
9. 劉淑寧, "連鎖早餐店品牌優劣勢分析:台北國際連鎖加盟展參觀者觀點 [管理領域提昇師資研究與產學能力研討會]," , 2010.
10. 劉淑寧, "An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a Competence Analysis of Marketing Personnel in Taiwan [The 2010 International Conference on Innovation and Management]," , 2010.
11. 劉淑寧, "Exploring the Professional Competency Contents for International Marketer in Taiwan [ICIMT 2009 : International Conference on Innovation Management and Technology]," , 2009.
12. 劉淑寧, "工作資源對員工與顧客角色內、外行為之影響 [2009 第二屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2009.
13. 劉淑寧, "個人與組織文化價值觀契合對員工敬業貢獻的影響 [海峽兩岸經濟發展與生態環境保護研討會]," , 2007.
14. 劉淑寧, "The Effects of Individual Culture Value/Leadership Style Fit and Misfit on Employee Engagement: The Moderation Role of Personal Affect [10th European Congress of Psychology, European Federation of Psychologists’ Asso," , 2007.
15. 劉淑寧, "工作要求/工作資源對壽險業務員職業倦怠與敬業貢獻之影響 [2007產業管理創新研討會]," , 2007.
16. 劉淑寧, "The Antecedents of Challenge Stress and Hindrance Stress [10th European Congress of Psychology, European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations]," , 2007.
17. 劉淑寧, "有線電視購物頻道收視動機、收視行為及購買行為之研究 [2006產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
18. 劉淑寧, "人力資源領先指標對研發人員敬業貢獻之影響:中介模式的測試 [2006企業管理國際學術論壇暨研討會]," , 2006.
19. 劉淑寧, "國民中小學校長領導型態對教師創新教學行為影響之研究 [2006產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
20. 劉淑寧, "台灣菸酒公司客戶滿意度之研究 [2006產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
21. 劉淑寧, "自我效能在個人文化價值取向、個人知識網絡與員工創新行為關係上之差異干擾角色:簞指標徑路分析模式 [第四屆跨領域管理學術與實務研討會]," , 2006.
22. 劉淑寧, "團隊認定和領導型態對團隊創新行為之影響:自我管理行為的角色 [中華商管科技學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2006.
23. 劉淑寧, "Leadership Style, Self-Management and Engineer’s Innovative Behaviour: The Moderation Model of Procedure Justice in Taiwan [The R&D Management Conference 2006 Taiwan]," , 2006.
24. 劉淑寧, "人力資源管理效能與員工工作績效關係之研究 [2006產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
25. 劉淑寧, "內部稽核人員專業能力內涵之研究 [第一屆卓越管理國際研討會]," , 2006.
26. 劉淑寧, "轉型領導對團隊創新行為影響之中介模式 [第三屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人力發展學術研討會論文集]," , 2005.
27. 劉淑寧, "The Effects of Leadership and Team Identity on Team innovative behavior: The Role of Self-managing Behavior [The 2005 International Conference on Workforce Education and Development]," , 2005.
28. 劉淑寧, "組織認同和領導型態對創新行為之影響 [第三屆管理學術研討會論文集]," , 2005.