Position: 盧志偉 > ePortfolio > Profile
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Name: 盧志偉
Department: 修平科技大學 / 通識中心 [elearning courses]
Research: 專業倫理、軟體工程、資料庫系統、物件導向系統分析與設計
Office: 東魯樓E0411-1
Office Time: 星期一至星期五上班時間 (建議事先email/TEL聯繫約定)
  樹德工商專校 專任講師
  修平技術學院 專任講師、專任副教授
  修平科技大學 資訊管理系 專任副教授
  修平科技大學 博雅學院 專任副教授
1. 逢甲大學 / 資訊所博士 (Doctor, 1996-09 ~ 2003-02)
1. 盧志偉, "具服務品質保證之企業雲端計算 [工程科技通訊]," , 2014.
2. 盧志偉, "Cloud Computing in Taiwan [Computer (IEEE)]," , 2012.
3. 盧志偉, "Pattern-based Framework for Modularized Software Development and Evolution Robustness [Information and Software Technology]," , 2010.
4. 盧志偉, "Applying Pattern-based Software Framework to Improve the Quality of Software Development [修平學報]," , 2009.
5. 盧志偉, "An Experience of Applying Pattern-based Software Framework to Improve the Quality of Software Development [Journal of Software Engineering Studies,]," , 2007.
6. 盧志偉, "A Parallel Program Generation Environment for Solving PDEs on Distributed Memory Computing Environments [Asian Journal of Information Technology]," , 2004.
7. 盧志偉, "A Formalization and Integration of Software Process Documentation [journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution]," , 2003.
8. 盧志偉, "Improving Software Development and Maintenance by an XML-based Unified Model [Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution ]," , 2003.
Domestic Paper
1. 盧志偉, "修平易購電子商務網站之建置 [IETAC 2018 第十一屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2018.
2. 盧志偉, "An Approach of Quality of Service Assurance for Enterprise Cloud Computing (QoSAECC) [The 1st International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA 2014)]," , 2014.
3. 盧志偉, "A SysML Based Requirement Modeling Automatic Transformation Approach [COMPSAC 2014 Workshop- the 8th IEEE International Workshop Quality-Oriented Reuse of Software (IEEE QUORS’14)]," , 2014.
4. 盧志偉, "具情境感知之雲端環境巨量資料整合、分析與應用架構 [The Symposium on Digital Life Technologies (DLT 2014)]," , 2014.
5. 盧志偉, "An Improvement to Data Service in Cloud Computing with Content Sensitive Transaction Analysis and Adaptation [ the 7th IEEE International Workshop Quality-Oriented Reuse of Software (IEEE QUORS’13)]," , 2013.
6. 盧志偉, "An UML Behavior Diagram based Automatic Testing Approach [IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2013)]," , 2013.
7. 盧志偉, "A Mobile Centered and Web Service Integrated Approach for legacy eHealth Web Migration [the 13rth International Conference on Quality Software]," , 2013.
8. 盧志偉, "An Integrated Development Environment to Support the Multi-core Embedded Systems Development [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Quality Software]," , 2012.
9. 盧志偉, "The Development of Cloud Computing and Its Challenges for Taiwan [Proceedings of IEEE 36th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2012)]," , 2012.
10. 盧志偉, "A SysML-based Requirement Supporting Tool for Embedded Software [Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI 2011)]," , 2011.
11. 盧志偉, "XML-based Reusable Component Repository for Embedded Software [Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2011)]," , 2011.
12. 盧志偉, "SysML-based Requirement Modeling Environment for Multicore Embedded System [Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ]," , 2010.
13. 盧志偉, "From Applications, to Models and to Embedded System Code: A Modeling Approach in Action [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Software]," , 2010.
14. 盧志偉, "XML-based Embedded Software Reusable Request Library System [Proceedings of the 2010 Join Conference on Object-Oriented Technology Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE)]," , 2010.
15. 盧志偉, "A SysML-based System Requirement Modeling Process, [Proceedings of the 3rd Information Education and Technological Application Conference]," , 2009.
16. 盧志偉, "SysML-based Modeling Environment for Multicore Embedded System [Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications]," , 2009.
17. 盧志偉, "A Case Study of Pattern-based Software Framework to Improve the Quality of Software Development [Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Volume I (SAC'09)]," , 2009.
18. 盧志偉, "A Requirement Tool to Support Model-based Requirement Engineering [Proceedings of the 2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference]," , 2008.
19. 盧志偉, "以XML為基礎之設計樣版驗證調適 [第二屆台灣軟體工程研討會暨軟體工程聯盟課程教材成果發表會]," , 2006.
20. 盧志偉, "A Formalization and Integration of Software Proces [(研討會)    2003 The 14th Workshop on OOTA]," , 2003.
Book and Report
1. 盧志偉, "Context-Sensitive Content Representation for Mobile Learning,[Social Media Tools and Platforms in Le," , 2011.
2. 盧志偉, "深入淺出OFFICE2003使用寶典,[新文京]," , 2005.
3. 盧志偉, "PRAISE: A Software Development Environment to Support Evolution,[Advances in UML and XML-Based Softw," , 2005.
4. 盧志偉, "Enhancing software maintainability by unifying and integrating standards,[Advances in Software Maint," , 2003.
5. 盧志偉, "Reverse engineering,[Handbook on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering]," , 2002.
6. 盧志偉, "Pattern-based re-engineering,[Handbook on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering]," , 2001.