Position: 李世樑 > ePortfolio > Publication
Work Experience
1. 李世樑, "智高實業:模具很多該如何資訊化管理? [資訊管理學報]," , 2024.
2. 李世樑, "外部顧問在企業中價值驅動之架構 [台灣策略與績效管理論壇]," , 2022.
3. 李世樑, "The relationship between characteristics of the source of knowledge and knowledge transfer performance: Moderated mediation examination of political skill and partnership quality [Accepted]," , 2022.
4. 李世樑, "The influence mechanism of source experience of the knowledge on the knowledge transfer performance: The role of political skill and knowledge barriers [Frontiers in Psychology]," , 2022.
5. 李世樑, "策略該如何落地?績效評估與人力資源分析:以平衡計分卡為基礎 [台灣策略與績效管理論壇]," , 2021.
6. 李世樑, "人工智慧、人力資源的創新思維:AI管理教練與員工發展 [教育研究月刊]," , 2019.
Domestic Paper
1. 李世樑, "建構理論與實務比對的知識庫模型:以企業數位轉型診斷為例 [2024 TSPMA第一屆策略與績效管理學術研討會]," , 2024.
2. 李世樑, "The effects of abusive supervision, Chinese loyalty to supervisor for perceived organizational justice on workplace deviant behavior: A moderated mediation examination [International Association for Chinese Managemen," , 2021.
3. 李世樑, "The effects of abusive supervision, Chinese loyalty to supervisor for perceived organizational justice on workplace deviant behavior: A Moderated Mediation Examination [International Conference on Innovation and Mana," , 2020.
4. 李世樑, "填充絨毛玩具之影像詮釋資料管理系統之設計與實作 [中華民國九十四年全國計算機會議 National Computer Symposium(NCS'05)]," , 2005.