位置: 張乃英 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 張乃英, "大學EFL學生對於實施英文自由寫作活動的看法 [International Journal of English Language Teaching]," , 2020.
2. 張乃英, "ENHANCING EFL LEARNERS’ LITERACY SKILLS THROUGH THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA [International Journal of English Language Teaching]," , 2019.
3. 張乃英, "n/a [International Journal of English Language Education]," , 2015.
4. 張乃英, "學齡前雙語幼兒語文發展: 教學導向之語文評量個案研究 [修平人文社會學報]," , 2012.
5. 張乃英, "A study of Latino Parenting Culture and Practices: Listening to the Voices of Latino Parents(中文:拉丁裔父母教養行為及教養方式之研究) [修平人文社會學報]," , 2009.
6. 張乃英, "Voice from the field: Evaluation of a Parenting Education Program for the Linguistic Minority Population (中文:方案評估:美國弱勢族群親職教育個案研究) [兒童與教育研究期刊]," , 2009.
7. 張乃英, "A study to examine college weekend students' attitude toward the English proficiency test [修平人文社會學報]," , 2009.
8. 張乃英, "方案評估:美國弱勢族群親職教育個案研究 [兒童與教育研究]," , 2009.
9. 張乃英, "社會資本理論在教育上的應用 [修平人文社會學報]," , 2008.
1. 張乃英, "在英語閱讀和詞彙課程中應用英語學習策略的教學 [10th International Conference on Second Language Studies (ICSLS-2024)]," , 2024.
2. 張乃英, "分析科技介入對提升大學英語學習者聽力技能的影響 [The IAFOR European Conference Series 2023]," , 2023.
3. 張乃英, "使用迷你白板於EMI英語口說課程之成效 [2022 International Online Conference on Bilingual Education]," , 2022.
4. 張乃英, "n/a [2018高等教育教學實務研究學術研討會]," , 2018.
5. 張乃英, "EFL learners’ perceptions of and attitudes toward the use of Reader Theater for improving oral skills in an ESP course [2015 The Asian Conference on Language Learning ]," , 2015.
6. 張乃英, "An Action Research: EFL College-Level Students’ Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Freewriting in an Academic English Writing Course [2014年人文創意實​務應用學術研討會]," , 2014.
7. 張乃英, "求職英語課程活動執行心得分享 [提升英語能力計畫執行心得分享工作坊]," , 2013.
8. 張乃英, "An ESP project in Taiwanese technological university context Preparing graduate-to-be for career readiness [The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education]," , 2013.
9. 張乃英, "The Effects of Language Learning Strategies on the Students’ Learning Achievement [The Asian conference on Education 2013]," , 2013.
10. 張乃英, "A Study on EFL Lanugage Learning Beliefs and Learning Strategy Use of University Early Childhood Education Majors in Taiwan [The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education]," , 2013.
11. 張乃英, "A Literature Review on Twitter-Assisted Learning and Its Potential Application in ESL/EFL Writing [ACE 2012 - The Fourth Asian Conference on Education]," , 2012.
12. 張乃英, "iReport: Empowering ELLs thru a video project [Teaching & Learning in a Global Community CATESOL 2010]," , 2010.
13. 張乃英, "Improving English Reading Competence for a Chinese-English Bilingual Learner (中文: 談如何提升英文閱讀能力:一名華裔雙語學童之個案分析) [第四十屆美國加州英語教學組織年度學術研討會]," , 2009.
14. 張乃英, "Assessing English Literacy development of a young bilingual child [Whole learner, whole teacher CATESOL 4oth Annual State conference]," , 2009.