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姓名: 王仁澤
系所: 修平科技大學 / 資訊管理系 [數位教學紀錄]
研究領域: 多媒體系統, 影像處理, 虛擬實境, 浮水印技術,言語與數碼
辦公(研究)室: D0411-2
教       師:   王仁澤 資訊管理系專任副教授
學       歷:   國立中興大學 資訊科學與工程研究所 博士
1. 國立中興大學 / 資訊科學與工程學系博士 (博士, 2000-09 ~ 2010-01)
1. 王仁澤, "Some properties of involution binary relations [Acta Informatica]," , 2015.
2. 王仁澤, "A Novel Contrast Enhancement Technique on Palm Bone Images [Algorithms]," , 2014.
3. 王仁澤, "Borderedness-preserving homomorphisms [Information Processing Letters]," , 2014.
4. 王仁澤, "Hamming Code Based Watermarking Scheme for 3D Model Verification [Mathematical Problems in Engineering]," , 2014.
5. 王仁澤, "Prefix-primitive annihilators of languages under some operations [Acta Informatica]," , 2012.
6. 王仁澤, "A High Verification Capacity Reversible Fragile Watermarking Scheme for 3D Models [International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control]," , 2011.
7. 王仁澤, "A PCA and Perturb Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for 3D Models [Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control]," , 2011.
8. 王仁澤, "A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Point-Sampled Geometry Authentication [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2010.
9. 王仁澤, "Reversible fragile watermarking scheme for three dimensional models [Optical Engineering]," , 2009.
10. 王仁澤, "Design and Implementation of Real-Time Software-Based H.261 VIDEO CODEC [International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology]," , 2002.
11. 王仁澤, "The Evaluation of Allocation For End-to-end Quality of service Requirement [修平學報]," , 2001.
12. 王仁澤, "渾沌與碎形虛擬教室 [修平學報]," , 2001.
13. 王仁澤, "A Finite State Vector Quantization for Image Coding [樹德學報]," , 1997.
14. 王仁澤, "使用類神經網路解赫序函數問題 [樹德學報]," , 1997.
1. 王仁澤, "An OFB-Based Fragile Watermarking scheme for 3D polygonal meshes [2016 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control]," , 2016.
2. 王仁澤, "An Error-detecting Code Based Fragile Watermarking scheme in Spherical Coordinate System [2016 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control]," , 2016.
3. 王仁澤, "Involution Binary Relations [The 29th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory]," , 2015.
4. 王仁澤, "Contrast enhancement in palm bone image using quad-histogram equalization [IEEE 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control]," , 2014.
5. 王仁澤, "A novel Chaos sequence based 3D Fragile Watermarking scheme [IEEE 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control]," , 2014.
6. 王仁澤, "Error detecting code based fragile watermarking scheme for 3D models [IEEE 2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control]," , 2014.
7. 王仁澤, "A low distortion 3D fragile watermarking scheme in spatial domain [2013 IETAC 資訊教育與科技應用研討會]," , 2013.
8. 王仁澤, "A Spherical Coordinate Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for 3D Models [26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2013.]," , 2013.
9. 王仁澤, "A reference-point-based fragile watermarking scheme for 3D models in spatial domain [The 2nd Conference on Applications of Innovation & Invention]," , 2012.
10. 王仁澤, "Involution Palindrome DNA Languages [The 28th Workshop on Combinatorial Mathematics and Computation Theory]," , 2010.
11. 王仁澤, "具存取控管網路瀏覽器之研究 [2004數位生活與網際網路科技研討會]," , 2004.
12. 王仁澤, "Design and Implementation of Real-Time Software-Based H.261 VIDEO CODEC [CVGIP]," , 2001.
13. 王仁澤, "Hybrid Image Coding using Scene-Adaptive Vector Quantization in DCT Domain [The Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology Proceedings]," , 1996.
14. 王仁澤, "Application of Minimal Perfect Hashing Scheme on a Chinese Syllable Compression Using Artificial Neural Networks [The Second Symposium on Computer and Communication Technology Proceedings ]," , 1996.
15. 王仁澤, "類神經網路學習理論在課程軟體流程管理上之應用 [第八屆科學教育學術研討會]," , 1992.
16. 王仁澤, "視訊群播系統與即時互動多點傳輸遠距教學整合模式之研究 [電子商務與數位生活研討會],"
1. 王仁澤, "多媒體整合Director MX實務學習,[旗標]," , 2003.