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姓名: 劉柏挺
系所: 修平科技大學 / 機械工程系 [數位教學紀錄]
1. 國立成功大學 / 機械工程所博士 (博士, 1991-09 ~ 1996-06)
1. 福隆尖端科技股份有限公司 / (1996-09 ~ 2001-07)
2. 中山科學研究院航空工業發展 / (1985-10 ~ 1991-10)
1. 劉柏挺, "High-Efficiency Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes With Efficient Carrier Confinement and High Light Extraction [IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices]," , 2019.
2. 劉柏挺, "Polarization effect in AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes [IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics]," , 2017.
3. 劉柏挺, "Reduced efficiency droop in blue InGaN light-emitting diodes by thin AlGaN barriers [Optics Letters]," , 2015.
4. 劉柏挺, "Reduced efficiency droop in blue InGaN LEDs by thin AlGaN barriers [ Optics Letters]," , 2014.
5. 劉柏挺, "Polarization engineering in group-III-nitride based ultraviolet light-emitting diodes, [Proceedings of SPIE]," , 2013.
6. 劉柏挺, "Numerical investigation of high efficiency InGaN-based multi-junction solar cell [IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices]," , 2013.
7. 劉柏挺, "Numerical analysis of using superlattice- AlGaN/InGaN as electron blocking layer in green InGaN light-emitting diodes [Proceedings of SPIE]," , 2013.
8. 劉柏挺, "Effect of biaxial strain on the band gap of wurtzite AlxGa1-xN, [ Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing]," , 2012.
9. 劉柏挺, "Biaxial strain effects on the electronic band structure of wurtzite InxGa1-xN alloys using first-principles calculations [Proceedings of SPIE]," , 2012.
10. 劉柏挺, "Bowing parameter of zincblende InxGa1-xN [Optics Communications]," , 2012.
11. 劉柏挺, "Numerical investigation on the enhanced carrier collection efficiency of Ga-face GaN/InGaN p-i-n solar cells with polarization compensation interlayers [Optics Letters]," , 2011.
12. 劉柏挺, "Numerical study on InGaAsN/GaAs multiple-quantum-w [Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics]," , 2011.
13. 劉柏挺, "Numerical study for 1.55-μm AlGaInAs/InP semiconductor lasers [Proceedings of SPIE]," , 2006.
14. 劉柏挺, "Investigation of band gaps and bowing parameters for zincblendeIII-nitride ternary alloys [Proceedings of SPIE]," , 2006.
15. 劉柏挺, "Effect of band-offset ratio on characteristics of blue InGaN quantum-well lasers [修平學報]," , 2006.
16. 劉柏挺, "First-principles calculation for bowing parameter of wurtzite AlxGa1-xN [Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing]," , 2005.
17. 劉柏挺, "Vegard’s law deviation in band gap and bowing parameter of wurtzite AlxIn1-xN [Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing]," , 2005.
18. 劉柏挺, "Effect of band-offset ratio on carrier distribution and optical properties of blue InGaN quantum-well lasers [2004年中華民國物理年會, paper PD-28]," , 2004.
19. 劉柏挺, "Effect of band-offset ratio on analysis of 405-nm InGaN laser characteristics [2004年中華民國物理年會, paper PD-27]," , 2004.
20. 劉柏挺, "Band-gap bowing parameters of the zincblende ternary III-nitrides derived from theoretical simulation [Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 113-114]," , 2004.
21. 劉柏挺, "Vegard’s law deviation in lattice constant and band gap bowing parameter of zincblende InxGa1-xN [Optics Communications. Vol. 237, Issues 4-6, pp. 363-369]," , 2004.
22. 劉柏挺, "Effect of band-offset ratio on analysis of violet-blue InGaN laser characteristics [Optics Communications, Vol. 231, Issues 1-6, pp. 395-402]," , 2004.
23. 劉柏挺, "Band-offset ratio對分析藍紫光氮化銦鎵量子井雷射特性之影響 [物理雙月刊,第25卷,第5期,第740至752頁]," , 2003.
24. 劉柏挺, "導電帶與價電帶井深比例對藍光氮化銦鎵量子井雷射載子分佈與光學特性的影響 [光學工程,第84期,第70至80頁]," , 2003.
25. 劉柏挺, "著作1:“導電帶與價電帶井深比例對藍光氮化銦鎵量子井雷射載子分佈與光學特性的影響”,光學工程,第84期. [無]," , 2003.
26. 劉柏挺, "短程光纖通信用紅光面射型雷射的設計與分析 [台灣光通訊產業聯盟2003年光通訊特刊,第66至76頁]," , 2003.
27. 劉柏挺, "Zincblende結構三元氮化物的能帶模擬與分析 [物理雙月刊,第25卷,第4期,第582至591頁]," , 2003.
28. 劉柏挺, "Electronic and structural properties of zincblende AlxIn1-xN [Optics Communications]," , 0006.
29. 劉柏挺, "Study of lattice constant and bulk modulus in zinc [Japanese Journal of Applied Physics]," , 0005.
30. 劉柏挺, "Electronic and structural properties of zincblende AlxGa1-xN [Applied Physics A- Materials Science & Processing]," , 0003.
31. 劉柏挺, "Numerical study on strained InGaAsP/InGaP quantum wells for 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers [Applied Physics B- Lasers and Optics]," , 0003.
1. 劉柏挺, "應變對閃鋅結構氮化鋁鎵能帶結構與光學性質之影響 [2018第二屆永續發展與綠色科技研討會]," , 2018.
2. 劉柏挺, "成份相關對三元氮化鋁鎵能隙彎曲函數的探討 [2016綠能減碳與材料技術及應用研討會]," , 2016.
3. 劉柏挺, "應變與成份相關對氮化銦鎵能帶結構與光學性質影響之探討 [2015永續能源技術與綠色材料應用研討會]," , 2015.
4. 劉柏挺, "Numerical investigation of blue InGaN light-emitting diodes with staggered quantum wells [Photonics West 2009]," , 2009.
5. 劉柏挺, "Reducing blueshift of viewing angle for top-emitting organic light-emitting devices [2008年台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會]," , 2008.
6. 劉柏挺, "Influence of built-in polarization on electronic blocking layers for InGaN quantum-well lasers [OPT2006台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會]," , 2006.
7. 劉柏挺, "多層異質結構電洞注入層有機發光二極體之模擬與特性探討 [OPT2006台灣光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會]," , 2006.
8. 劉柏挺, "Effect of hole blocking layer on the characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes [2005年台灣光電科技研討會]," , 2005.
9. 劉柏挺, "Starined InGaAlAs/AlGaAs active layers for 850-nm VCSELs [2005年台灣光電科技研討會]," , 2005.
10. 劉柏挺, "Vegard's law的偏異對Wurtzite InxGa1-xN能隙與彎曲係數的影響 [2003年台灣光電科技研討會, paper FA3-8]," , 2003.
11. 劉柏挺, "應力與氧化層結構對磷化鋁鎵銦650 nm面射型雷射的影響 [2003年台灣光電科技研討會, paper PA2-17]," , 2003.
12. 劉柏挺, "藍紫光氮化銦鎵量子井雷射特性之模擬與分析 [2003年台灣光電科技研討會, paper FA3-6]," , 2003.