位置: 王瑞麟 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 王瑞麟, "A Research on How to Effective Apply the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the Recreational service organizations [Technology Management Critiques]," , 2012.
2. 王瑞麟, "餐旅事業員工個人變項對員工工作需求及工作成效的影響 [北台灣觀旅學刊]," , 2012.
3. 王瑞麟, "A comparison of bullwhip effect in a single-stage supply chain for autocorrelated demands when using Correct, MA, and EWMA methods, Expert Systems with Applications [Expert Systems with Applications]," , 2009.
4. 王瑞麟, "組織領導角色在美國網路系統公司組織績效與品質強化之相關聯研究 [Review of Science Technology Management]," , 1998.
5. 王瑞麟, "The Application of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance in American Tourism Service Organizations [Review of Science Technology Management]," , 1998.
6. 王瑞麟, "A Supply Chain Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to Inventory Control Models – DRP System Analysis [Expert Systems with Applications]," , 1998.
7. 王瑞麟, "A Strategic Selection of Channel Satisfaction Model By Using Neuro-Fuzzy – Taiwan Perspective [Benchmarking - An International Journal, Emerald Publisher, (ABI/INFORM)]," , 0009.
1. 王瑞麟, "網路AI 多媒體科技在豪宅行銷組織績效與CIS 企業形象識別效能強 化之相關聯研究-以新竹豪宅產業組織為個案 [2023智慧商業與永續經營研討會]," , 2023.
2. 王瑞麟, "不可靠生產存貨系統考慮碳排放之模擬最佳化 [2023智慧商業與永續經營研討會]," , 2023.
3. 王瑞麟, "Multi-objective redundancy allocation optimization using TOPSIS ranking method [2022 商業創新與數位轉型實務研討會]," , 2022.
4. 王瑞麟, "網路 AI 多媒體科技在豪宅行銷組織績效與 CIS 企業形象識別效能強化之相關 聯研究-以台中豪宅產業組織為個案 [2022 商業創新與數位轉型實務研討會]," , 2022.
5. 王瑞麟, "ERP 企業資源規劃在台灣廟會網路系統社會責任組 織績效與 GIS 效能強化之相關聯研究-以台中旱溪媽 祖 18 庄廟會網路系統組織為個案 [修平科技大學管理學院 2021 智慧商業與數位創新研討會]," , 2021.
6. 王瑞麟, "Multi-objective optimization for redundancy allocation of series parallel systems [修平科技大學管理學院 2021 智慧商業與數位創新研討會]," , 2021.
7. 王瑞麟, "Scenario-based stochastic programming for capacitated lot-sizing problems with uncertain demand [2020 智慧商業創新應用研討會]," , 2020.
8. 王瑞麟, "網路組織領導角色在台灣廟會網路系統組織績效與品質強化之相關聯研究-以台中旱溪媽祖 18 庄廟會網路 系統組織為個案 [2020 智慧商業創新應用研討會]," , 2020.
9. 王瑞麟, "綠色供應鏈篩選之混合模糊層級分析法 [2019智慧商業應用與實務研討會]," , 2019.
10. 王瑞麟, "論文編號為:17 應用全球衛星定位科技在台中大甲媽祖進香與寺廟巡禮之研究 [第二屆永續發展與綠色科技研討會]," , 2018.
11. 王瑞麟, "樂成宮(旱溪)媽祖遶境服務組織與智慧資本之研究 [2018產業管理創新研討會(ISSN:1819-0251)]," , 2018.
12. 王瑞麟, "如何有效施行企業資源規 劃管理系統之研究-在休閒服務組織個案 [2018 跨域大學共探管理領域南向策略 與產學研發研討會]," , 2018.
13. 王瑞麟, "A Strategic Selection of Channel Satisfaction Database Method By Using Neuro-Fuzzy Database Competence [2018 中部財金學術聯盟研討會]," , 2018.
14. 王瑞麟, "組織領導角色在網路系統公司組織績效與品質強化之 相關聯研究 [2015產業管理創新研討會]," , 2015.
15. 王瑞麟, "全球衛星定位系統在台中大甲媽祖進香組織之應用與寺廟搜尋之研究 [2014 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2014.
16. 王瑞麟, "An integrated application of fuzzy multi-objective programming to distribution requirement planning [2008第十六屆模糊理論及其應用研討會]," , 2008.
17. 王瑞麟, "「THE ROLE OF CHANNEL CONFLICT IN INTERFIRM SATISFACTION : THE MEDIATION AND IMPLICATION – TAIWAN PERSPECTIVE通路衝突在通路成員間滿意水準模式之調節中介角色與涵義-台灣零售通路觀點」 [第二屆供應鏈管理與資訊系統國際論壇 (2nd International Workshop on Supply Chain Manageme," , 2004.