Position: 鄭鴻文 > ePortfolio > Publication
Work Experience
1. 鄭鴻文, "A Satisficing Method for Fuzzy Goal Programming Problems with Different Importance and Priorities [Quality & Quantity]," , 2013.
2. 鄭鴻文, "Application of fuzzy sets to aggregate production planning with multi-products and multi-time periods [IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems]," , 2011.
3. 鄭鴻文, "Multi-objective aggregate production planning decisions using two-phase fuzzy goal programming method [Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization]," , 2011.
4. 鄭鴻文, "Application of fuzzy sets to manufacturing/ distribution planning decisions with multi-product and multi-time period in supply chains [Expert Systems with Applications]," , 2009.
5. 鄭鴻文, "An improvement in possibilistic linear programming approach for imprecise production/transportation planning decisions [Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences]," , 2009.
6. 鄭鴻文, "A study on constructing the overbooking policy under multi-service-level [修平學報]," , 2008.
7. 鄭鴻文, "Application of fuzzy linear programming to project crashing decisions with fuzzy variables [Journal of Statistics and Management Systems]," , 2007.
8. 鄭鴻文, "Integrated Production/ Transportation Planning Decisions Using Possibilistic Linear Programming [Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences]," , 2006.
9. 鄭鴻文, "A study on cognitive preference of profile of hazard warning labels in Taiwan [修平學報]," , 2005.
10. 鄭鴻文, "Using Possibilistic Linear Programming for Fuzzy Transportation Planning Decisions [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2005.
11. 鄭鴻文, "A study on the cognitive preference of safety colors in Taiwan [Hsiuping Journal]," , 2004.
12. 鄭鴻文, "The Effects of Information Aids on Fault Diagnosis Performance in Process Control Systems [Int. J. of Human Factors in Manufacturing]," , 1992.
Domestic Paper
1. 鄭鴻文, "不確定環境下多目標整合製造/存貨規劃決策 [2016 產業創新管理研討會]," , 2016.
2. 鄭鴻文, "可能性規劃法於不精確多目標專案網路排程之應用 [2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications]," , 2015.
3. 鄭鴻文, "模糊規劃法於多目標整體生產規劃之應用 [2015產業管理創新研討會]," , 2015.
4. 鄭鴻文, "模糊集理論於多目標生產/分配規劃決策之應用 [中國工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會 ]," , 2015.
5. 鄭鴻文, "資源受限下模糊多目標製造/存貨規劃決策 [中國工業程會103年度年會暨學術研討會]," , 2014.
6. 鄭鴻文, "應用可能性規劃求解糢糊多目標生產/分配規劃 [2014 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2014.
7. 鄭鴻文, "Application of fuzzy programming approach to material requirements planning decisions [中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2012.
8. 鄭鴻文, "Multi-objective production/distribution planning decisions in uncertain environments [中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2012.
9. 鄭鴻文, "Applying possibilistic programming method to imprecise production/distribution planning decisions [兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會]," , 2011.
10. 鄭鴻文, "Fuzzy satisficing method for multiobjective optimization problems with imprecise goal hierarchy [The 10th International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making]," , 2010.
11. 鄭鴻文, "Preference structure in fuzzy goal programming models [The 8th Conference on Innovation of Industrial Management]," , 2010.
12. 鄭鴻文, "Interactive satisfying method for fuzzy goal programming problems with multiple priorities [2010 Conference on Innovation of Industrial Management]," , 2010.
13. 鄭鴻文, "An objective solution procedure for some possibilistic linear programming problems [2009 第七屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2009.
14. 鄭鴻文, "Application of fuzzy sets to imprecise aggregate production planning decisions [中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會(CIIE 2009 )]," , 2009.
15. 鄭鴻文, "Applying fuzzy linear programming to project management decisions [中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會暨學術研討會]," , 2008.
16. 鄭鴻文, "Distribution planning decisions with multiple fuzzy objectives [The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference]," , 2007.
17. 鄭鴻文, "Applying fuzzy sets to manufacturing/distribution planning decisions in supply chains [第四屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2007作業研究理論與實務學術研討會]," , 2007.
18. 鄭鴻文, "The Availability of Electronic Consumer Products and The Strategies for Its Improvement, [中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨工業工程與管理精緻化與新方向學術研討會]," , 2006.
19. 鄭鴻文, "Aggregate Production Planning Decisions Using Possibilistic Linear Programming [中國工業工程學會九十五年度年會暨工業工程與管理精緻化與新方向學術研討會]," , 2006.
20. 鄭鴻文, "Integrating Production/Distribution Planning Decisions with Multi-products and Multi-time Periods in Supply Chins [The 36th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering]," , 2006.
21. 鄭鴻文, "Project Management Decisions with Multiple Imprecise Goals [第三屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨2006作業研究理論與實務學術研討會]," , 2006.