位置: 廖珮妏 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 廖珮妏, "從分散式領導角色探討大學社會責任形塑個案科大特色亮點之創新組織特性研究 [修平學報]," , 2022.
2. 廖珮妏, "選其所愛、愛其所選?以自我決定與成就目標導向理論探討學習投入與就學滿意度的跨時點影響 [修平學報]," , 2022.
3. 廖珮妏, "探討大專院校USR延伸性課程融入遠征式學習之原則與挑戰 [體驗教育學報]," , 2021.
4. 廖珮妏, "探討體驗式學習在大專院校課程學習目標設定與導入效益 [體驗教育學報]," , 2021.
5. 廖珮妏, "校外實習之實務研究-以旅遊服務業為例 [東亞論壇季刊]," , 2021.
6. 廖珮妏, "企業探索訓練之訓練移轉模式 [體育學報]," , 2020.
7. 廖珮妏, "Teacher Motivation and Relationship Within School Contexts as Drivers of Urban Teacher Efficacy in Taipei City [The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher]," , 2020.
8. 廖珮妏, "以個案技專院校職場實習課程探討實習生心理適應歷程 [課程與教學季刊]," , 2020.
9. 廖珮妏, "體驗教育培養大專生帶得走的品格信念指標之建構 [當代教育研究季刊]," , 2020.
10. 廖珮妏, "Experiential learning is an effective training model to improve self-esteem [Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews]," , 2019.
11. 廖珮妏, "教師主動性人格增進其建言行為!由特質活化理論檢視知覺學校組織支持的潛在調節效果 [管理實務與理論研究]," , 2019.
12. 廖珮妏, "社會新鮮人實習成長歷程-以A個案旅行社內勤操作為例 [東亞論壇]," , 2018.
13. 廖珮妏, "探討國小教師自我導向學習準備度之研究 [修平學報]," , 2017.
14. 廖珮妏, " Does Internet-Based Survey Have More Stable and Unbiased Results than Paper-and-Pencil Survey? [Journal of Social Sciences]," , 2017.
15. 廖珮妏, "以動機移轉模型與計畫行為理論探討體驗式 學習意願與訓練移轉意圖 [修平學報]," , 2017.
16. 廖珮妏, "Alliance capabilities and external opportunity-recognizing integrative capabilities: Creating competitive advantage in eLearning innovation [American Journal of Industrial and Business Management]," , 2016.
17. 廖珮妏, "From Job Characteristics to Job Satisfaction of Foreign Workers in Taiwan's Construction Industry: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment [Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Ind," , 2016.
18. 廖珮妏, "自我效能與信賴關係對公部門工作績效之影響 [文官制度]," , 2016.
19. 廖珮妏, "技專校院主管職能分析之個案研究 [學校行政]," , 2016.
20. 廖珮妏, "從量化與質化研究信效度探討社會科學領域的研究品質 [中華科技大學學報]," , 2015.
21. 廖珮妏, "情緒勞務會受到組織環境因素影響嗎?政府部門、私部門、非營利組織員工行為異同之探索性研究 [行政暨政策學報]," , 2015.
1. 廖珮妏, "The case study on the freshmen's self-assessment on the indicators of character and beliefs cultivated by the experiential education [The Asian Conference on Education & International Development(ACEID2021)]," , 2021.
2. 廖珮妏, "運用台評會大專生學習成效與滿意度調查報告資料庫進行校務研究分析 [2020台灣統計方法學學會第八屆會員大會暨學術研討會]," , 2020.
3. 廖珮妏, "運用新生學習適應調查資料庫進行校務研究分析 [創新教學的自我對話:2020校務研究與大學社會責任研討會]," , 2020.
4. 廖珮妏, "Improving learning outcomes with expeditionary learning: Internship with Human Resource and Management Development [UniversalAcademicClusterInternational AutumnConference in Osaka]," , 2019.
5. 廖珮妏, "畢業生就業薪資流向與雇主滿意度回饋進行校務研究分析之初探 [2019台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2019.
6. 廖珮妏, "職場實習歷程初探與建構動機設計模式以提升學習成效表現 [2019年教學實踐研究暨校務研究研討會]," , 2019.
7. 廖珮妏, "Impact of Experiential Education on Cultivating Character, Belief, and Ability Scale of College Students [The Asian Conference on Education(ACE2018)]," , 2018.
8. 廖珮妏, "Experiential Learning is an effective training model to improve self-esteem [12th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Social Sciences, Business and Management Studies ITSBMSEP 2017]," , 2017.
9. 廖珮妏, "雄獅旅行社國外部旅之操作流程改善分析 [2017年商管學術與實務研討會]," , 2017.
10. 廖珮妏, "教師主動性人格增進其建言行為-以知覺學校組織支持為調節變數 [2017台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2017.
11. 廖珮妏, "A study of relationship between achievement motivation, interpersonal relationship and organizational commitment [International conference on education and social science(ICESS)]," , 2017.
12. 廖珮妏, "社會新鮮人實習成長歷程-以A個案旅行社內勤操作為例 [2017年商管學術與實務研討會]," , 2017.
13. 廖珮妏, "體驗學習之訓練成效移轉模式 [Asia Association for Experiential Education]," , 2017.
14. 廖珮妏, "技專校院主管應具備之能力 [2016第十一屆企業國際化理論與實務研討會暨第八屆南區管理碩士論文研討會]," , 2016.