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姓名: 李宗乙
系所: 修平科技大學 / 機械工程系 [數位教學紀錄]
研究領域: 複合材料力學;熱應力分析;機械設計
辦公(研究)室: B0302-3
1. 國立成功大學 / 機械所博士 (博士, 1997-09 ~ 2001-06)
1. 修平科技大學 / 教授 (2007-08 ~ )
2. 修平技術學院 / 副教授 (2004-08 ~ 2007-07)
3. 修平技術學院 / 助理教授 (2001-08 ~ 2004-07)
1. 李宗乙, "Thermoelastic Transient Response of Multilayered Conical Shells Subjected to Vapor Field [International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer]," , 2011.
2. 李宗乙, "Magnetothermoelastic Transient Response of Multila [International Communications in Heat and Mass Tran]," , 2011.
3. 李宗乙, "Magnetothermoelastic Analysis of Multilayered Conical Shells Subjected to Magnetic and Vapor Fields [International Journal of Thermal Sciences]," , 2009.
4. 李宗乙, "UNIFORM-PARAMETER SPLINE METHOD FOR SOLVING NON-FOURIER HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEMS [Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals An International Journal of Computation and Methodolog]," , 2009.
5. 李宗乙, "Flow and heat transfer of the axisymmetric stagnat [Proceedinfs of The Institution of Mechanical Engin]," , 2008.
6. 李宗乙, "Hybrid Numerical Method For Studying Thermal Deformation In Rotating Multilayered Hollow Cylinder [Macromolecules : An Indian Journal]," , 2007.
7. 李宗乙, "Magnetothermoelastic Transient Response of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Magnetic and Vapor Fields [ACTA Mechanica]," , 2007.
8. 李宗乙, "Method of Bilaterally Bounded to Solution Blasius Equation Using Particle Swarm Optimization [Applied mathematics and computation]," , 2006.
9. 李宗乙, "Generalized Coupled Transient Thermoelastic Problem of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder with Hybrid Boundary Conditions [International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer]," , 2006.
10. 李宗乙, "Hybrid Numerical Method Applied to Thermoelasticity Problem of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder with Vapor Flow [Applied mathematics and computation]," , 2006.
11. 李宗乙, "Generalized Coupled Transient Response of 3-D Multilayered Hollow Cylinder [International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer]," , 2006.
12. 李宗乙, "Hybrid Numerical Method Applied to 3-D Multilayered Hollow Cylinder with Periodic Loading Conditions [Applied Mathematics and Computation]," , 2005.
13. 李宗乙, "Hybrid Numerical Method Applied to Multilayered Hollow Cylinder with Time-Dependent Boundary Condition [Journal of Thermal Stresses]," , 2005.
14. 李宗乙, "Appling the Double Side Method of Weighted Residual to the Solution of Shell Deformation Problem [Applied Mathematics and Computation]," , 2005.
15. 李宗乙, "Coupled problem of thermoelasticity for multilayered spheres with time-dependent boundary conditions [Journal of Marine Science and technology, vol. 12,no 2, pp. 93-101, 2004]," , 2004.
16. 李宗乙, "Coupled Problem of Thermoelasticity for Multilayered Sphere with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions [Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol. 12 no. 2, pp. 93-101]," , 2004.
17. 李宗乙, "Generalized Coupled Transient Thermoelastic Problem of Multilayered Sphere by Hybrid Numerical Method [Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, vol. 217, pp. 1315-1323]," , 2003.
18. 李宗乙, "Applying the Double Side Method of Weighted Residual for Solving Circle Plate Large Deformation Problems [Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 141, pp.477-490,]," , 2003.
19. 李宗乙, "Application of residual correction method in calcu [Applied mathematics and computation]," , 0008.
20. 李宗乙, "Transient Coupled Magnetothermoelastic Problem of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Magnetic and Vapor Fields [International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer]," , 0005.
21. 李宗乙, "Analysis Thermal and Pressure Induced Micro-deformation in Multilayered-Coated Optical Fibers Tube [修平學報(Hsiuping Journal.)]," , 0003.
1. 李宗乙, "運用混合數值法求解多層圓球之層間熱彈問題 [2023能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會]," , 2023.
2. 李宗乙, "多層圓柱之層間熱彈力問題 [2021能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會]," , 2021.
3. 李宗乙, "多層圓柱之層間熱應力問題 [2020年能源與冷凍空調學術暨技術研討會]," , 2020.
4. 李宗乙, "混合數值法求解旋轉多層圓柱之層間熱變形問題 [中國機械工程學會第三十六屆全國學術研討會]," , 2019.
5. 李宗乙, "旋轉多層圓柱之層間熱應力問題 [中國機械工程學會第三十五屆全國學術研討會]," , 2018.
6. 李宗乙, "多層圓柱之層間熱應力問題 [中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會]," , 2017.
7. 李宗乙, "磁場與蒸汽流場作用下多層圓管之耦合磁熱彈分析 [中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會]," , 2016.
8. 李宗乙, "多層圓柱之熱應力問題 [中國機械工程學會第32屆全國學術研討會]," , 2016.
9. 李宗乙, "双側逼近粒子群法求解多層圓柱熱彈問題 [中國機械工程學會第三十一屆全國學術研討會]," , 2014.
10. 李宗乙, "蒸氣流場下橢圓管之電磁熱彈耦合行為力學分析 [中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會]," , 2013.
11. 李宗乙, "Thermoelasticity Problem of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder with Vapor Flow [中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術]," , 2004.
12. 李宗乙, "Method of Bilaterally Bounded Genetic Algorithm fo [Tenth International Conference on Composites/Nano]," , 2003.
13. 李宗乙, "A Decomposition Method for Solving the Plate Equat [Tenth International Conference on Composites/Nano]," , 2003.
14. 李宗乙, "Transient Response of Multilayered Hollow Cylinder [Tenth International Conference on Composites/Nano]," , 2003.
15. 李宗乙, "殘差單調性研究 [第二十六屆全國力學學術研討會]," , 2002.
16. 李宗乙, "Hybrid Numerical Method Applied to Multilayered Ho [第十九屆機械工程研討會論文集]," , 2002.
1. 勞動部_CNC銑床_乙級證照[182-003230] (2015-02)
2. 院教學優良獎 (2015-01)
3. 103私校協會優良教師 (2014-09)
4. 101學年度系教學優良教師 (2014-01)
5. 私教協會第27屆全國十大傑出教師弘道獎 (2013-09)
6. 榮獲行政院國科會102年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (2013-08)
7. 台灣數位教學創意發展協會_觀光餐旅專業英文管理師_甲級證照[TIEA-THPEM-10200490] (2013-08)
8. 台灣數位教學創意發展協會_觀光餐旅人力資源管理師_甲級證照[TIEA-THHRM-10200369] (2013-08)
9. 台灣數位教學創意發展協會_觀光餐旅客戶關係管理管理師_甲級證照[TIEA-THCRMM-10200417] (2013-08)
10. 台灣數位教學創意發展協會_觀光餐旅消費者行為管理師_甲級證照[TIEA-THCBM-10200419] (2013-08)
11. 榮獲行政院國科會101年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (2012-08)
12. 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司_永續能源與資源管理管理師_甲級證照[TDTCDA-SERMM-10100191] (2012-08)
13. 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司_永續發展碳管理管理師_甲級證照[TDTCDA-SDCMM-10100050] (2012-08)
14. 國際物流協會_國際物流助理管理師_國際專業證照[P1251255] (2012-02)
15. 家弘學術研究優良人員-著作論文 (2008-12)
16. 交通部_汽車修護技工執照_乙級證照[6.50E+16] (2008-02)
17. 行政院勞工委員會_汽車修護_乙級證照[020-038222] (2008-02)
18. 家弘學術研究優良人員 (2007-12)
19. 交通部_汽車修護技工職照_乙級證照[6.50E+16] (2007-02)