位置: 陳世杰 > 職涯檔案 > 個人著作
1. 陳世杰, "A common cycle approach for solving the economic lot and inspection scheduling problem [Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization]," , 2012.
2. 陳世杰, "Solving the economic lot and inspection scheduling problem using the extended basic period approach under power-of-two policy [Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers]," , 2012.
3. 陳世杰, "入口網站服務品質衡量因素之建構 [修平學報]," , 2010.
4. 陳世杰, "On the Determination of the Optimal Replenishment and Inspection Schedule in an Imperfect Production-Inventory System [Journal of Operations and Logistics]," , 2009.
5. 陳世杰, "人格特質、工作壓力和工作滿足關係之探討中市便利商店從業員為例 [修平學報]," , 2005.
1. 陳世杰, "應用渦蟲演算法求解多機生產之經濟批量檢驗和排程問題 [2023 智慧商業與永續經營研討會]," , 2023.
2. 陳世杰, "鑄造廠之品質管制策略 [2020產業管理創新研討會]," , 2020.
3. 陳世杰, "廠商參展實務探討 —以「 A公司」綠色飲水機產品為例 [2020 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2020.
4. 陳世杰, "鑄造廠生產排程機制之建構 [2020產業管理創新研討會]," , 2020.
5. 陳世杰, "以渦蟲演算法求解共同周期法下經濟批量檢驗與排程問題 [2020產業管理創新研討會]," , 2020.
6. 陳世杰, "以魚群演算法求解多機生產之經濟批量與檢驗和排程問題 [2018 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2018.
7. 陳世杰, "齒輪減速機設計輔助程式之研製 [2013 第11屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2015.
8. 陳世杰, "Applying Web Crawlers to Develop a Sale Management System for Online Malls [The 9th International Conference on Innovative Moblie and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2015)]," , 2015.
9. 陳世杰, "獎勵旅遊規劃與設計之個案探討-以連鎖房屋仲介為例 [2015 第八屆中部技職校院行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2015.
10. 陳世杰, "以簡單固定速率法求解在基本週期法下經濟批量排程問題 [2014第12屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2014.
11. 陳世杰, "大漁迴轉壽司之RFID導入與顧客滿意度調查實證研究 [2014第七屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2014.
12. 陳世杰, "迴轉壽司業導入RFID創新模式之滿意度探討 [2013第六屆中部技職院校行銷與流通管理學術研討會]," , 2013.
13. 陳世杰, "RFID無線射頻辨識系統於生產線之應用 [2013 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2013.
14. 陳世杰, "知識管理系統導入-以交通標線產業為例 [2013 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2013.
15. 陳世杰, "應用彈性生產速率求解經濟批量檢驗和排程問題 [中國工業工程學會102年度年會暨學術研討會]," , 2013.
16. 陳世杰, "Using the Fixed Rate Approach to Solve the Economic Lot Scheduling and Inspection Problem [The 9th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA9)]," , 2013.
17. 陳世杰, "Using the Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns [The 11th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2012)]," , 2012.
18. 陳世杰, "以搜尋演算法求解產品有保存期限的經濟批量排程問題 [2012 第10屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2012.
19. 陳世杰, "應用固定生產速率求解生產系統下經濟批量、檢驗與排程問題 [2012 工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2012.
20. 陳世杰, "相同平行多機經濟批量檢驗與排程問題之求解 [2010 第8屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2012.
21. 陳世杰, "國內微型創業之研究-以A公司為例 [2011 第9屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2011.
22. 陳世杰, "以遺傳基因演算法求解機經濟批量檢驗與排程問題 [2010工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2011.
23. 陳世杰, "國內微型創業成功模式之研究-個案訪談探討 [2011 第9屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2011.
24. 陳世杰, "Solving the Economic and Inspection with considering Shelf Life under a Common Cycle Approach [2011 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering]," , 2011.
25. 陳世杰, "以遺傳演算法求解一般整數策略下之經濟批量檢驗與排程問題 [2011 第9屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2011.
26. 陳世杰, "A common cycle approach for solving the economic lot and inspection scheduling problem [International Conference on Optimization and Control]," , 2010.
27. 陳世杰, "探討大陸觀光客來台團體旅遊服務品質之關鍵因素 [2010 第8屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2010.
28. 陳世杰, "以共同週期法求解有檢驗狀況的經濟批量排程問題 [2010 工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會]," , 2010.
29. 陳世杰, "Solving the Economic Lot and Inspection Scheduling Problem Using the Extended Basic Period Approach [The 8th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA8)]," , 2010.
30. 陳世杰, "以延伸基本週期法求解經濟批量與檢驗排程問題 [第六屆作業研究學會研討會]," , 2010.
31. 陳世杰, "Solving the Economic Lot and Inspection Scheduling Problem with Considering Shelf Life in an Imperfect Production System [The 8th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA8)]," , 2010.
32. 陳世杰, "Preference structure in Fuzzy Goal programming models [2010 第8屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2010.
33. 陳世杰, "A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Economic Lot and Inspection Scheduling Problem in an Imperfect Production/ Inventory System [International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2009)]," , 2009.
34. 陳世杰, "RFID 應用於倉儲管理系統之流程與實作 [2009 第七屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2009.
35. 陳世杰, "運用以遺傳演算法為基礎之啟發式解法求經濟批量與檢驗排程問題 [中國工業工程學會98年度年會暨學術研討會(CIIE 2009 )]," , 2009.
36. 陳世杰, "A Study of Using the Modified Label-Correcting Tracing Algorithm to Solve the Critical Path Problem of Network [The 7th International Conference on Information and Management, IMS 2008]," , 2008.
37. 陳世杰, "建置「ISO 9001 內部稽核管理系統」之產學合作個案 [第六屆(2008)產業管理創新研討會]," , 2008.
38. 陳世杰, "Using an Index-Comparing Tracing Algorithm to Solve the K Most Critical Paths Problem of Stochastic Networks [第五屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會]," , 2008.
39. 陳世杰, "On the Determination of the Optimal Joint Replenishment Strategies in an Production-Inventory System [The 7th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2008)]," , 2008.
40. 陳世杰, "電視購物頻道消費者行為研究-以東森購物頻道為研究對象 [第3屆卓越管理國際學術暨實務研討會]," , 2008.
41. 陳世杰, "建置「ISO 9001內部稽核管理系統」之產學合作個案 [第4屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2008.
42. 陳世杰, "Applying Fuzzy Sets to Manufacturing/Distribution Planning in Supply Chains [台灣作業研究學術研討會]," , 2007.
43. 陳世杰, "在不完美製程下考慮生產容納量之最佳策略之研究 [台灣作業研究學術研討會]," , 2007.
44. 陳世杰, "以EFA探討入口網站服務品質之關鍵因素 [2007 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2007.
45. 陳世杰, "以結構方程模式探討圖書館服務品質之關鍵因素 [2007 產業管理創新研討會]," , 2007.
46. 陳世杰, "To Establish the Optimal Overbooking Policy [第一屆卓越管理國際研討會]," , 2007.
47. 陳世杰, "網路拍賣市場服務品質關鍵因素之探討 [第四屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
48. 陳世杰, "台中地區消費者購買手機關鍵因素之探討 [第四屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2006.
49. 陳世杰, "台中縣市居民退休意向與養生住宅產品行銷研究 [第三屆產業管理創新研討會]," , 2005.