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姓名: 林淑玲
系所: 修平科技大學 / 企業經營系 [數位教學紀錄]
研究領域: 財務會計
辦公(研究)室: 會計室
研究室時間: 週一至週五上班時間
1. 逢甲大學 / 商學博士學位學程 (博士, 2007-09 ~ 2012-06)
1. 崇實聯合會計師事務所 / 合夥會計師 (2008-12 ~ 2011-12)
1. 林淑玲, "中台灣咖啡消費者之特性 [International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations]," , 2016.
2. 林淑玲, "Professional Educatoin Background and Earnings Management of Chairmen and Senior Managers [International Journal of Business and Finance Research.]," , 2016.
3. 林淑玲, "咖啡消費品牌認知度之影響-以85°C為例 [International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations]," , 2015.
4. 林淑玲, "董監責任險與繼續經營審計意見關係 [International Business Research]," , 2015.
5. 林淑玲, "Implications of improved information disclosure and corporate governance for directors’ and officers’ liability insurance [Investment Management and Financial Innovations]," , 2014.
6. 林淑玲, "運用遺傳演算法求解在資訊分享投資考量下的多買方供應鏈協同合作模式 [修平學報]," , 2013.
7. 林淑玲, "公司治理機制對臺灣存託憑證折溢價之影響 [修平學報]," , 2013.
8. 林淑玲, "Auditor’s Industry Specialization and Disclosure Quality of IAS No.39-Related Accounts. [Journal of Applied Finance & Banking]," , 2012.
9. 林淑玲, " Effect of Auditor’s Judgment and Specialization on Their Differential Opinion between Semiannual and Annual Financial Reports. [Global Journal of Business Research]," , 2012.
1. 林淑玲, "多元角度探討消費者使用行動支付意圖 [2024 智慧商業與營運管理研討會]," , 2024.
2. 林淑玲, "企業經營環境不確定性與對資訊揭露關係 [2016 管理領域提昇教師產學與研究能 力研討會]," , 2016.
3. 林淑玲, "The study of coffee consumers’ characteristics in Taiwan [36th International Business Research Conference]," , 2016.
4. 林淑玲, "Relationships between Information Transparency, Corporate Governance, and D&O Insurance [2013 International Conference on Business, Economics and Marketing Management]," , 2013.
5. 林淑玲, "產業之負債比率與經營績效之研究 [2013第二屆時尚創意設計與創新管理學術研討會]," , 2013.
6. 林淑玲, "提高資訊揭露及公司治理機制對董事監察人責任保險之影響 [2013會計理論與實務研討會]," , 2013.
7. 林淑玲, "資訊透明度、公司治理與董監責任險關係 [2013 International Conference on Business, Economics and Marketing Management]," , 2013.
8. 林淑玲, "董事監察人責任保險與公司治理機制之關係 [第二屆知識管理創新思維研討會]," , 2013.
9. 林淑玲, "The Implications of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance on Auditor Opinions [2012 The American Accounting Annual Meeting]," , 2012.
10. 林淑玲, "The Implications of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance on Auditor Opinions [ 2012 商業現代化學術研討會]," , 2012.
11. 林淑玲, " Industry Specialist Auditor and Disclosure of Available-For-Sale Financial Assets. [The American Accounting Southeast Regional Meeting]," , 2011.
12. 林淑玲, "產業專家會計師和「備供出售金融商品」衡量與揭露之關係 [2011現代會計論壇學術研討會]," , 2011.
13. 林淑玲, "Auditor Industry Specialization and Disclosure Quality of IAS 39 Related Accounts [2011 The American Accounting Annual Meeting]," , 2010.
14. 林淑玲, "料探勘技術應用於高齡人口罹患疾病與行動不便之關係研究 [2009第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會]," , 2009.
15. 林淑玲, "高齡人口罹患疾病與行動不便之關係研究 [2009產業管理創新研討會]," , 2009.
16. 林淑玲, "The Association with Banking Relationships, Characteristics of Enterprises, and the performance of enterprise [2007財稅與金融理論暨實務研討會]," , 2007.
17. 林淑玲, "企業特質及貸款銀行關係對企業績效之影響—台灣企業實證研究 [2007第二屆卓越管理國際學術暨實務研討會]," , 2007.
18. 林淑玲, "影響消費者購買行動電話決策因素之研究-以中部地區大專學生族群消費者為例 [2004商務決策研討會(中州技術學院主辦)]," , 2004.