位置: 英語歌謠賞析(一) > 作業 > mid term take home exam
作業資訊  |  已交名單(13)
項目 內容
屬性 個人作業
成績比重 30%
2011-11-03 15:00
附件 mid_term_exam 1.doc (28 KB)

Attention please!!!

1. The essential format you have to follow is that you need to put all members’ names and students’ ID number on top of the first page.

2. Before working on questions, you need to put the name of selected song above them.

3. Please present your written report in the font of 14, Chinese in標楷體, and English in Times New Roman.

4. Please keep 1.5 space apart between lines.

5. Any texts copied from the Internet or other references will be given 0 point.

6. The written report has to be uploaded to e-platform, iLMS, and submitted to the teacher as well.

7. The due date is at 3:00pm, Nov. 3.